[Haskell] The Point of this List

Thorsten Wißmann s-dgq at thorsten-wissmann.de
Wed May 3 18:07:20 UTC 2023

Hi all,

I agree: I wondered too what the point (or better say 'scope') of this
list is. I say this as someone who sent multiple conference
announcements / CFPs to this list ('CALCO' / 'CMCS' from coalg.org if
you're interested ☺). Before sending the CFPs, it wasn't clear whether
it is appropriate or might be considered annoying or even spam. So I
definitely welcome some criteria, which could be put on:


In particular, I'd find it helpful to have the following questions
answered there:

  - When sending call for papers, which topics are in scope? (functional
    programming in general? "software"? Category theory? "Math"?..)
  - Are deadline extensions or further follow-up mails allowed? (e.g.
    call for participation?)

Whether cfp-senders stick to these rules is then a separate issue, which
can be solved by blocking repeated off-topic announcements. My personal
intention is to advertise, of course, but only among those who might be
potentially interested :-)


On Mon, May 01, 2023, at 14:45 (-0700), Ivan Perez wrote:
> Most people are just subscribed to haskell-cafe instead. If you are not there,
> maybe that's the one you want to be subscribed to.
> In the past I have reported such conference announcements so that the specific
> individuals be removed from the list.
> Ivan
> On Mon, 1 May 2023 at 02:34, Dominic Steinitz <[1]dominic at steinitz.org> wrote:
>   I have been subscribed to this list for over 20 years but these days all I
>   ever see are announcements of conferences which have at best a tangential
>   relationship with Haskell. Maybe it is time to call it a day?
>   Dominic Steinitz


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