[Haskell] Reminder: The Chalmers Online Functional Programming Seminar Series (THIS WEEK: Nadia Polikarpova)

Koen Claessen koen at chalmers.se
Sun May 24 18:41:04 UTC 2020

The *Chalmers Online Functional Programming Seminar Series
<http://chalmersfp.org/>* is organized by the Chalmers Functional
Programming Group, as a way to exploit the fact that so many of us in the
FP community are already meeting and working online these days. Our aim is
to bring the people in the FP community closer together, to educate and
inspire, and to foster collaboration.

The seminars will take place *every Monday* (at 7am PDT / 10am EDT / 16:00
CEST) and are live streamed through YouTube, and questions are taken
through sli.do.


We continue this week (Monday) with *Nadia Polikarpova*; title "Liquid
resource types for verification and synthesis". All welcome!

Link to the full program, including videos of previous talks:



We were happy to see that last week's seminar (by Benjamin Pierce) run with
YouTube Live and sli.do was a success, so we decided to keep using that
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