[Haskell] KKIO 21st Software Engineering Conference, September 11-13, 2019, Bialystok, Poland

Aneta Poniszewska-Marańda aneta.poniszewska-maranda at p.lodz.pl
Sun Jan 27 12:22:18 UTC 2019

================================== Call for Papers ============================== 

KKIO 21 st Software Engineering Conference 

September 11-13, 2019, Bialystok, Poland 

Motto : Integrating Research and Practice in Software Engineering 

KKIO’19 web site: [ http://kkio.pti.org.pl/2019/ | http://kkio.pti.org.pl/2019/ ] 

KKIO is a prime software engineering conference organized annually by Polish Information Processing Society. The language of the conference is English. 

The aim of KKIO 2018 is to stimulate research, promote cooperation between science and industry, and facilitate a dialogue with governmental bodies. In particular, KKIO'19 will provide a forum for the presentation of research results, scientific challenges faced by the industry, scientific achievements that could address these problems. It will be also a platform to make contacts, initiate cooperation between researchers and engineers. 

This year KKIO coincides with 30 th anniversary of the Faculty of Computer Science, Bialystok University of Technology who also hosts KKIO. Bialystok is a quickly growing IT hub, surrounded by unspoiled nature, rivers, forests, with biggest population of European bisons living at large in wilderness. 

We invite papers covering a wide range of software engineering topics including software methods & tools, innovative applications in emerging domains, technology transfer success stories and failures, education, and other topics listed on the conference web site. 

Submission deadline : Abstract by 24 March 2019; Papers by 31 March 2019 

Submission site : EasyChair [ https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kkio2019 | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kkio2019 ] 

You will find all the submission details on the KKIO’19 web site (For Authors -> Submissions) 

We invite researchers, PhD students, engineers and business representatives to submit papers concerning research, research & development, case-studies, education in software engineering, and application of software systems in industry. In addition, we invite proposals for special sessions, workshops, discussion panels and tutorials. Papers and proposals should be written in English. 

Accepted papers will be published in a dedicated monograph of the prestigious series Studies in Computational Intelligence (Springer): 

Integrating Research and Practice in Software Engineering 

The books of this series are submitted by Springer to WoS, EI-Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and Springerlink. 

Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit revised and extended versions of their submissions to high profile journals. 

The authors of all high-quality papers that will not be accepted for dedicated volume of Studies in Computational Intelligence will be invited to prepare the extended version of the papers that will be published in Special Issue of Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies (LNDECT), Springer (https://www.springer.com/series/15362). The books of this series are submitted to ISI Proceedings, MetaPress, Springerlink and DBLP. 

Proceedings for the KKIO’16 and KKIO’17 are now indexed by Web of Science and Scopus. 

Call for Special Sessions 

The organizers of the conference are seeking Special Sessions / Workshop Proposals on topics complementary to those of the main conference and Panel, Training / Business Workshops, and Tutorial Proposals. 

The responsibility of the Special Session / Workshop Chair(s) would be to prepare a specific Call for Papers, organize the sessions program committee (reviewers) and advertise the event. The special session should include at least three papers (if more papers are submitted it could have a form of an independent workshop). The papers are accepted based on two reviews provided by the Special Session PC members and one by a member of the KKIO Program Committee. 

Please, submit a proposal using the web form: [ https://tinyurl.com/kkio-sessions-tutorials | https://tinyurl.com/kkio-sessions-tutorials ] , preferably before 15.02.2019 for special sessions and 15.05.2019 for tutorials. 

Important dates: 


Abstract submission (strongly recommended): 24.03.2019 
Paper submission: 31.03.2019 
Notification of acceptance: 10.05.2019 
Camera-ready papers submission: 26.05.2019 

Special Sessions/Workshops 

Proposal submission: 15.02.2019 
Notification of acceptance: 20.02.2019 

Panels, Training Workshops, Tutorial Proposals 

Submission: 15.05.2019 
Notification of acceptance: 30.05.2019 

Registration & payment 

Early registration: 25.06.2019 
Late registration: 20.08.2019 

Program Committee Co-Chairs: 

Stanislaw Jarzabek, Bialystok University of Technology, Poland 

Aneta Poniszewska-Maranda, Lodz University of Technology, Poland 

Special Sessions, Panels, Training Workshops, Tutorials Chair : 

Miroslaw Ochodek, Poznan University of Technology, Poland 


Conference program: [ mailto:kkio2019 at easychair.org | kkio2019 at easychair.org ] 

Special Sessions, Panels, Workshops, Tutorials: Miroslaw Ochodek, miroslaw.ochodek at cs.put.poznan.pl 

Conference organization: [ mailto:wi.kkio2019 at pb.edu.pl | wi.kkio2019 at pb.edu.pl ] 



Politechnika Łódzka 

Lodz University of Technology 

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