[Haskell] Postdoc position on side-channel analysis and avoidance in Hardware (Chalmers University of Technology)

Alejandro Russo russo at chalmers.se
Thu Oct 18 14:24:01 UTC 2018

** Apologies for multiple copies **

Postdoctoral position (up to two years) on side-channel analysis and 
in Hardware at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

* Important dates:

   October  30 - Deadline for applications
   November 5  - Tentative date for interviews

* Expected starting date: January 2019.

For details, including employment conditions and how to apply, see:


This position is funded by a grant from Intel Corp and will get 
supervised by
Prof. Carl-Johan Seger 
(<https://www.chalmers.se/en/Staff/Pages/secarl.aspx>) and
Prof. Alejandro Russo (<http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~russo/>). Prof. 
Seger has,
after 21 years at Intel corporation, a wealth of experience in verifying 
microprocessors and is intimately familiar with the constraints and scale of
modern processors. He also has extensive experience in building formal
verification tools, and symbolic simulators in particular, for modern
microprocessors. Prof. Russo has vast expertise on protecting privacy in 
software systems and his work has impacted different research 
communities and
appeared in prestigious conferences on programming languages, operating 
and security.

The project is dedicated to contribute and further research on (i) utilizing
some notion of dependent types to verify security and the 
presence/absence of
side-channels in multi-cycle circuits, (ii) apply symbolic execution 
to boost accuracy when needed, (iii) implement a tool that combines these
techniques, and (iv) perform evaluations on state-of-the-art public domain
microprocessor designs.

The position is to be carried out within both the Information Security 
and Functional Programming (FP) research groups. Both groups combine 
researchers in language-based security and functional programming. In 
there is a strong type-theory research group that can be used as a source of
knowledge in dependent types. Competitive candidates will have a strong 
science background, both theoretical and practical, with emphasis on 
languages techniques; expertise in some of the areas of interests for this
position; a passion for high-quality software research and development; and
excellent analytical and communication skills. Prior publications are
meritorious. English is the working language for research in Chalmers's
Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

For a popular science description of the project, please refer to the 
link: https://www.chalmers.se/en/departments/cse/news/Pages/Intel.aspx

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