[Haskell] [Google Summer of Code 2018] Student Applications are now open

Tillmann Vogt Tillmann.Vogt at rwth-aachen.de
Fri Mar 16 11:06:37 UTC 2018

Am 16.03.2018 um 00:49 schrieb Jasper Van der Jeugt:
> Lastly, we recognize that inclusion is an important part of our mission
> to promote Haskell. Therefore, we strongly encourage applications from

Why "strongly" encourage? Why not just encourage?
This sounds like you are in a war. I would also be very careful about 
being "on a mission". This by itself would be OK if its just about being 
enthusiastic. But in combination with the other text. Hm. People 
generally don't like missionaries.
Also: Why are minorities explicitly named? To me this has a dividing and 
discriminating effect.
I know I know. I am supposed to just ignore this. You most likely just 
copied it from a template. The people with the money want control over 
our minds. And we should better not complain or there will be no GSOC 
next year. SCNR.
> people in communities that are underrepresented in functional
> programming, including but not limited to women; people of color; people
> in gender, sexual and romantic minorities; people with disabilities;
> people residing in Asia, Africa, or Latin America; and people who have
> never taken part in similar programs before.
> Kind regards, Jasper Van der Jeugt & George Wilson on behalf of the
> Haskell.org Committee

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