[Haskell] Haskell Weekly News
Kim-Ee Yeoh
ky3 at atamo.com
Fri Jan 29 17:03:06 UTC 2016
*Top Picks:*
- Oskar Wickström rewrites the Oden-to-Go transpiler from Racket to
Oden is an FP language comprising an ML type system and LISP syntax. Oskar
explains that he made the migration because of several advantages that
Haskell offered over Racket: exhaustive pattern-match checking, type-guided
refactoring, monad transformers, and faster execution times.
Apropos, the convo over at lobste.rs
links to this claim by Gabriel Gonzalez: "Haskell is an amazing language
for writing your own compiler. If you are writing a compiler in another
language you should genuinely consider switching."
- Reviewing 2015 work month-by-month, Gracjan Polak tells the story of
how he decided to lead the development of Haskell Mode
"a bunch of Emacs major and minor modes put together in a single package."
Discussion over at /r/haskell
- Jared Tobin presents monadic versions of five recursion-schemas
<http://jtobin.ca/monadic-recursion-schemes/>, namely: cata-, ana-,
para-, apo-, and hylomorphisms.
*Quotes of the Week:*
- Tim Kellogg:
I’ve known a few old programmers nearing retirement that have a long list
of very impressive accomplishments. The older and more accomplished they
get, the more they prefer redundancy over dependency. The oldest and most
accomplished will write their own load balancers, TCP stacks, loggers,
everything if need be. Are they on to something?
- From HN: <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10972051#up_10979314>
If you have the time, I'd advise you to learn Haskell, in order to stretch
your mind and become an excellent OCaml developer, the way learning Latin
makes you a better French or Italian writer.
- HN markov chain parody site headline:
<http://news.ycombniator.com/comments/comments_419.html> $690 for an
hour minimum wage for state management in haskell
*Recorded Talk of the Week:*
- On Dec 17 last year
Andrew Gibiansky demoed IHaskell, a Mathematica-like "capable graphical
alternative" to the ghci REPL at the NorCal Hacker Dojo. Thanks go to Joe
"begriffs" Nelson who recorded the talk and summarized it into bullet
points <http://begriffs.com/posts/2016-01-20-ihaskell-notebook.html>.
Joe's page was well-received at both Hacker News
<https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10942969> and Haskell Reddit
p.s. There will be no News next week. HWN will resume the week after.
-- Kim-Ee
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