[Haskell] FHIES 2013 Call for Participation
Jeremy.Gibbons at cs.ox.ac.uk
Jeremy.Gibbons at cs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jul 11 22:50:00 CEST 2013
Third International Symposium on
Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems
International Institute for Software Technology
United Nations University, Macau
21st-23rd August, 2013
The purpose of the symposium series on Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems is to promote a nascent research area that aims to develop and apply theories and methods from a variety of disciplines for the purpose of modeling, building and certifying software-intensive ICT systems in healthcare. A particular objective of FHIES is to explicitly include a focus on healthcare ICT applications in the developing world (in addition to systems used in the developed countries), since unique engineering challenges arise in that special setting. Because humans often play a pivotal role in the process of using such systems, theories from the human factors engineering community may need to be integrated with methods from the technology-oriented domains in order to create effective engineering methodologies for socio-technical systems in the healthcare domain. Previous FHIES symposia were held in 2011, in Mabalingwe ZA (with post-conference proceedings in Springer LNCS 7151), and in 2012, in Paris FR (with post-conference proceedings in Springer LNCS 7789).
Registration is now open for FHIES 2013. The early registration deadline and the hotel reservation deadline are both 6th August 2013: after that point, the registration fee rises, and the reserved hotel rooms are released. The symposium has grown to three days; in addition to three keynote speakers and 19 accepted submissions, there will be two panel discussions, and a full programme of social events. For more information, including a link to the registration site, please visit the conference webpage.
* Bill Thies, Microsoft Research, IN
"Deploying mHealth Technologies in India: Successes, Failures, and Lessons Learned"
* Jane Liu, Academia Sinica, TW
"Intelligent Tools for Minimizing Medication Dispensing and Administration Errors"
* Joe Cafazzo, Centre for Global eHealth Innovation, CA
(title to be confirmed)
* Deshendran Moodley, Christopher Seebregts, Anban Pillay and Thomas Meyer
"An ontology-driven modeling platform for regulating eHealth interoperability in low resource settings"
* Stephan Arlt, Johannes Faber, Zhiming Liu and Nafees Qamar
"DiaMac: A Lightweight System for OpenEHR Interoperability Research"
* Luciana Cavalini and Timothy Cook
"Use of XML Schema Definition for the Development of Semantically Interoperable Healthcare Applications"
* Kudakwashe Dube and Thomas Gallagher
"Approach and Method for Generating Realistic Synthetic Electronic Healthcare Records for Secondary Use"
* Edhelmira Lima Medina, Orlando Loques and Claudio Tinoco Mesquita
"Minha Saude: A Health Social Network For Patients With Cardiovascular Problems"
* Yihai Chen, Mark Lawford, Hao Wang and Alan Wassyng
"Insulin Pump Software Certification"
* Sara Khalid, David Clifton and Lionel Tarassenko
"A Patient Mixture Model for Detecting Deterioration in Vital Signs using Track-and-Trigger Observations"
* Mauro Santos, David Clifton and Lionel Tarassenko
"Performance of Early Warning Scoring Systems to detect patient deterioration in the Emergency Department"
* Arjan Mooij, Jozef Hooman, and Rob Albers
"Early Fault Detection using Design Models for Collision Prevention in Medical Equipment"
* Padraig O'Leary, Patrick Buckley and Ita Richardson
"Modeling Care Pathways in a Connected Health Setting"
* Padraig O'Leary, John Noll and Ita Richardson
"A Resource Flow Approach to Modeling Care Pathways"
* Marco Carbone, Anders Skovbo Christensen, Flemming Nielson, Hanne R Nielson, Thomas Hildebrandt and Martin Solvkjaer
"ICT-powered Health Care Processes"
* Franziska Kuehn and Martin Leucker
"Research Challenges for the Safe Interconnection of Medical Devices"
* Andrew King, Lu Feng, Oleg Sokolsky and Insup Lee
"A Modal Specification Approach for Ad-Hoc Medical Systems"
* Dominique Mery and Albert Rizaldi
"Modeling Blood Glucose and Insulin Regulatory System in Event-B"
* Sara Bessling and Michaela Huhn
"Towards Formal Safety Analysis in Feature-Oriented Product Line Development"
* Pascal Brandt, Deshendran Moodley, Anban Pillay, Christopher Seebregts and Tulio de Oliviera
"An Investigation of Classification Algorithms for Predicting HIV Drug Resistance Without Genotype Resistance Testing"
* Kudakwashe Dube, Ngonidzashe Zanamwe, Fredrick J. Mtenzi, Jasmine A. Thomson and Gilford T. Hapanyengwi
"Modelling the Meal Planning Problem to Exploit Knowledge From National and International Food, Nutrition and Lifestyle Guidelines for Use in Mobile ICT-Based Applications for HIV/AIDS Therapy Management"
* Zhiming Liu, Nafees Qamar and Jie Qian
"Assessing the Effectiveness of De-identification Tools for Medical Data"
General chairs:
* Zhiming Liu, United Nations University, MO
* Jens Weber, University of Victoria, CA
Programme chairs:
* Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, UK
* Wendy MacCaull, St. Francis Xavier University, CA
Programme committee:
* Ime Asangansi, University of Oslo, NO
* Tom Broens, Mobihealth, NL
* Lori Clarke, University of Massachusetts, US
* David Clifton, University of Oxford, UK
* Gerry Douglas, University of Pittsburgh, US
* Johannes Faber, IIST, United Nations University, MO
* Jozef Hooman, Embedded Systems Institute and Radboud University Nijmegen, NL
* Michaela Huhn, Technische Universität Clausthal, DE
* Shinsako Kiyomoto, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc, JP
* Craig Kuziemsky, University of Ottawa, CA
* Yngve Lamo, Bergen University College, NO
* Insup Lee, University of Pennsylvania, US
* Orlando Loques, Instituto de Computação, Universidade Federal Fluminense, BR
* Gilbert Maiga, Makerere University, UG
* Dominique Mery, Université de Lorraine, LORIA, FR
* Deshendran Moodley, University of KwaZulu-Natal, ZA
* Jun Pang, University of Luxembourg, LU
* Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, DE
* Ita Richardson, Lero, University of Limerick, IE
* David Robertson, University of Edinburgh, UK
* Christopher Seebregts, Jembi Health Systems / Medical Research Council, ZA
* Bo Song, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, CN
* Alan Wassyng, McMaster University, CA
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