[Haskell] Jane Street Summer Project 2009

yminsky yminsky at janestcapital.com
Sat Jan 31 14:57:10 EST 2009

I'm pleased to announce the Jane Street Summer Project for 2009.  The goal
of the JSSP is to make functional programming languages into better
practical tools for programming in the real world.  To do that, we will
fund students over the summer to work on open-source projects which aim at
improving the practical utility of their favorite functional language.

The JSSP is a follow-on to last year's OCaml Summer Project.  A key
difference this year is that we are opening up the project to proposals in
languages other than OCaml (although we expect to maintain a focus on OCaml
projects.)  There are also some changes to the funding structure that are
particularly relevant for projects located in the US.

If you want to find out more, you can look at the JSSP blog:


And at the project FAQ:


We're looking forward to a great and productive summer, and we hope some of
you come along for the ride!

Yaron Minsky

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