[Haskell] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 100 - January 10, 2009
Brent Yorgey
byorgey at seas.upenn.edu
Sat Jan 10 16:30:08 EST 2009
Haskell Weekly News
Issue 100 - January 10, 2009
Welcome to issue 100 of HWN, a newsletter covering developments in the
[1]Haskell community.
Welcome to the 100th (!) issue of the Haskell Weekly News, suitably
published on your friendly neighborhood HWN editor's 1000th birthday
(base 3). If you ever have content to be included in the HWN
(announcements, blog posts, major life news) or a suggestion on how the
HWN could be more useful to you as a window into the goings-on of the
Haskell community, please don't hesitate to send it along, using the
contact information at the end of each issue.
Haskell BLAS bindings version 0.7. Patrick Perry [2]announced the
[3]release of version 0.7 of the [4]blas package, Haskell bindings to
the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) library. According to
Patrick, this release is "a major milestone---it is finally the library
with all of the features that I want."
X Haskell Bindings. Antoine Latter [5]announced a preview release of
the [6]X Haskell Bindings. The goal of the library is to provide
low-level access to the X11 protocol, in the spirit of the [7]X C
Data.TCache 0.5.5. Alberto G. Corona [8]announced the 0.5.5 release of
the [9]TCache package, a transactional data cache with configurable
persistence. This version adds the the capability to safely handle
transactions, and incrementally serialize many data types
simultaneously in the same piece of code.
haskell-src-exts 0.4.8. Niklas Broberg [10]announced a new release
(0.4.8) of the [11]haskell-src-exts package. This is a bug-fix release
in the wake of the flurry of bug reports due to [12]hlint.
bytestring-trie 0.1.2 (bugfix). wren ng thornton [13]announced a bugfix
release for [14]bytestring-trie, efficient finite maps from
(byte)strings to values. This release fixes a bug in alterBy, and adds
an Eq instance.
wxHaskell 0.11.1. Jeremy O'Donoghue [15]announced the release of
[16]wxHaskell 0.11.1, a Haskell binding for the wxWidgets GUI library.
The main highlights include support for XRC resource files, support for
wxWidgets 2.8.x and GHC 6.10, and preliminary support for Cabal and
cabal2doap 0.1. Greg Heartsfield [17]announced the [18]release of
[19]Cabal2doap, which generates Description of a Project (DOAP) XML/RDF
data representing a Haskell project. This should make it possible for
semantic web project aggregation sites to find and index Haskell
Jane Street is hiring functional programmers. Yaron Minsky [20]reminded
everyone that [21]Jane Street is still hiring! Jane Street now has over
30 OCaml developers, and is actively looking to hire more in Tokyo,
London and New York.
PhD, postdoc, and engineering positions at HATS. CFP [22]announced the
availability of 10 PhD, postdoc, and engineering positions within the
HATS project (Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal
Models), a new Integrated Project funded by the European Union, within
the programme "Future and Emerging Technologies" (FET). The goal of
HATS is a tool-supported framework and formal methodology for the
development of long-lived and trustworthy software systems.
Hypothetical Haskell job in New York. Tony Hannan [23]asked how many
would be interested in applying to a hypothetical Haskell job in New
York, assuming his boss can be convinced to use Haskell.
Blog noise
[24]Haskell news from the [25]blogosphere.
* Lennart Augustsson (augustss): [26]LLVM arithmetic.
* GHC / OpenSPARC Project: [27]Bootstrapping 6.
* Patrick Perry: [28]New Haskell BLAS bindings!.
* Clemens Fruhwirth: [29]Liskell standalone.
* The GHC Team: [30]Benchmarking recent improvements in parallelism.
* Galois, Inc: [31]Tech Talk: OpenTheory: Package Management for
Higher Order Logic Theories.
* Eric Kow (kowey): [32]fold diagram revisited?.
* GHC / OpenSPARC Project: [33]Bootstrapping 5.
* Lennart Augustsson (augustss): [34]LLVM.
* Sebastian Fischer: [35]Monadic and Queue-Based Tree Search.
* Philip Wadler: [36]Well-typed programs can't be blamed.
* GHC / OpenSPARC Project: [37]Bootstrapping 4.
* Manuel M T Chakravarty: [38]GPU Kernels as Data-Parallel Array
Computations in Haskell..
* GHC / OpenSPARC Project: [39]Bootstrapping 3.
* Tom Schrijvers: [40]Monadic Constraint Programming.
* Conal Elliott: [41]Another angle on functional future values.
* >>> Greg Heartsfield: [42]Cabal2doap.
* Christopher Lane Hinson: [43]MaybeArrow?.
* GHC / OpenSPARC Project: [44]Bootstrapping 2.
* Darcs: [45]darcs 2.2.0pre2 ready for testing!.
* Alson Kemp: [46]Sad about Import Cycles.
* GHC / OpenSPARC Project: [47]Bootstrapping.
* gamr7: [48]Accessing Recursive Haskell Data Structures from
Quotes of the Week
* jml: A wise man once said, "the program isn't debugged until the
last user is dead".
* pumpkin: OMG I <3 RECORD SYNTAX
* Olathe: <Olathe> > floor (1.0/0.0) <lambdabot> 179769... <Olathe>
But you can see that Haskell can calculate the maximum Integer.
* lilac: <drdozer> gha! I'm drowning in the haskell number hierarchy
again <lilac> drdozer: magic 8-ball says 'add calls to
* monopoly: do not exit IO. go directly to the REPL, do not pass any
parameters or continuations.
* EvilTerran: [on category theory] the same place of nightmares that
spawned zygohistomorphic prepromorphisms :P
About the Haskell Weekly News
New editions are posted to [49]the Haskell mailing list as well as to
[50]the Haskell Sequence and [51]Planet Haskell. [52]RSS is also
available, and headlines appear on [53]haskell.org.
To help create new editions of this newsletter, please see the
information on [54]how to contribute. Send stories to byorgey at cis
dot upenn dot edu. The darcs repository is available at darcs get
[55]http://code.haskell.org/~byorgey/code/hwn/ .
1. http://haskell.org/
2. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/50195
3. http://quantile95.com/2009/01/09/new-haskell-blas-bindings/
4. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/blas
5. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/50170
6. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/xhb
7. http://xcb.freedesktop.org/
8. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/50169
9. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/TCache
10. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/50119
11. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/haskell-src-exts
12. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/hlint
13. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/49956
14. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/bytestring-trie
15. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/49898
16. http://wxhaskell.sourceforge.net/
17. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.general/16718
18. http://blog.gregheartsfield.com/2009/01/04/cabal2doap/
19. http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/cabal2doap
20. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.general/16741
21. http://janestreet.com/
22. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.general/16736
23. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/50015
24. http://planet.haskell.org/
25. http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Blog_articles
26. http://augustss.blogspot.com/2009/01/llvm-arithmetic-so-we-want-to-compute-x.html
27. http://ghcsparc.blogspot.com/2009/01/bootstrapping-6.html
28. http://quantile95.com/2009/01/09/new-haskell-blas-bindings/
29. http://blog.clemens.endorphin.org/2009/01/liskell-standalone.html
30. http://ghcmutterings.wordpress.com/2009/01/09/46/
31. http://www.galois.com/blog/2009/01/08/tech-talk-opentheory-package-management-for-higher-order-logic-theories/
32. http://koweycode.blogspot.com/2009/01/fold-diagram-revisited.html
33. http://ghcsparc.blogspot.com/2009/01/bootstrapping-5.html
34. http://augustss.blogspot.com/2009/01/llvm-llvm-low-level-virtual-machine-is.html
35. http://www-ps.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~sebf/projects/monad-vs-queue.html
36. http://wadler.blogspot.com/2009/01/well-typed-programs-cant-be-blamed.html
37. http://ghcsparc.blogspot.com/2009/01/bootstrapping-4.html
38. http://justtesting.org/post/68696876
39. http://ghcsparc.blogspot.com/2009/01/bootstrapping-3.html
40. http://tomschrijvers.blogspot.com/2009/01/monadic-constraint-programming.html
41. http://conal.net/blog/posts/another-angle-on-functional-future-values/
42. http://blog.gregheartsfield.com/2009/01/04/cabal2doap/
43. http://blog.downstairspeople.org/2009/01/04/maybearrow/
44. http://ghcsparc.blogspot.com/2009/01/test-run-of-patched-ghc-6.html
45. http://blog.darcs.net/2009/01/darcs-220pre2-ready-for-testing.html
46. http://www.alsonkemp.com/haskell/sad-about-import-cycles/
47. http://ghcsparc.blogspot.com/2009/01/building.html
48. http://gamr7.com/blog/?p=66
49. http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell
50. http://sequence.complete.org/
51. http://planet.haskell.org/
52. http://sequence.complete.org/node/feed
53. http://haskell.org/
54. http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/HWN
55. http://code.haskell.org/~byorgey/code/hwn/
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