[Haskell] Math behind Haskell

Juarez Assumpcao Muylaert Filho jamf at iprj.uerj.br
Sun Sep 23 19:10:49 EDT 2007

Albert Y. C. Lai wrote:
> Tomas Caithaml wrote:
>> Any other suggestions?
> Lattice theory. Actually just the part about "continuous partial
> orders" and "least fixed points" suffice. It is hard to find a math
> course on lattice theory that spends time on continuous partial
> orders; it is easier to find a CS course on denotational semantics,
> which covers the necessary math.
> I don't think topology is much needed for Haskell. Whatever little is
> needed manifests as lattice theory already. Topology has other uses in
> CS, but take note that topological spaces relevant to CS are seldom
> Hausdorff, whereas most math courses spend all the time on Hausdorff
> spaces.
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The following ref might be helpful:

M.H. Escardo. *Synthetic topology of data types and classical spaces*.
ENTCS, Elsevier, volume 87, pages 21-156, November 2004.



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