[Haskell] OCaml Summer Project

Yaron M. Minsky yminsky at janestcapital.com
Tue Jan 30 09:55:03 EST 2007

(I know this is a bit off-topic, but there are a lot of crossover 
between the OCaml and Haskell communities, so I thought it worth sending 
this out.  People on the list might be particularly interested in why 
this project is OCaml-only and doesn't include other languages.  You can 
take a look at the FAQ for more information on that: 

I am pleased to announce the OCaml Summer Project. The project is aimed 
at encouraging growth in the OCaml community by funding students over 
the summer to work on open-source projects in OCaml. At the end of the 
summer, we will fly all of the students who have completed their 
projects succesfully out for a meeting in New York, where people will 
present their projects and get a chance to shmooze with other members of 
the OCaml community.

The project is being funded and run by Jane Street Capital. We make 
extensive use of OCaml here at Jane Street, and are excited about the 
idea of encouraging and growing the OCaml community.

If you'd like to learn more about the project, you can look at our 
website here:


We'd love to have professors tell their students about the project, 
since we hope it will do some real good in terms of increasing interest 
in functional programming.  It would also be great if people would 
publicize the project on their blogs or other programming-related websites.

Please direct any questions or suggestions you have to 
osp at janestcapital.com.


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