[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: Buggy nofib

Josep Francesc Silva Galiana jsilva at dsic.upv.es
Thu Feb 1 11:27:04 EST 2007

      It was not possible to access the URLs from outside our department 
(due to problems with the network configuration).
I think that it is now fixed. If you find problems to get access, please, 
let me know.

Best regards,
             -. Josep Silva .-

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Josep Francesc Silva Galiana" <jsilva at dsic.upv.es>
To: <haskell at haskell.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 7:21 PM
Subject: [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: Buggy nofib

> Hi,
> we have developed a 'buggy' version of the nofib collection of Haskell
> programs. All programs contain one of these bugs:
> - a bug that produces an incorrect result
> - a bug that produces non-termination
> - a bug that produces an exception (e.g., div by zero)
> Our buggy nofib suite can be used to test debugging tools. It is publicly 
> available as a DARCS repo at
> http://einstein.dsic.upv.es/darcs/nofib
> There is also a web interface with basic search facilities at
> http://einstein.dsic.upv.es/nofib
> Any suggestion or comment is welcome!
> Best regards,
>        -. Josep Silva .-
> DSIC - Technical University of Valencia
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