[Haskell] ANN: encoding-0.1 release

Henning Günther h.guenther at tu-bs.de
Thu Aug 2 06:22:56 EDT 2007

Dear fellow Haskellers,

I'm proud to announce the release of "encoding", a Haskell library to
cope with many character encodings found on modern computers. This
(probably) bug-ridden release should mainly be used to critize it and to
find out if it could be actually useful for anyone.
At the moment it supports (much more is planned):
	ASCII (lame, I know)
	UTF-8, -16, -32
	ISO 8859-* (alias latin-*)
	CP125* (windows codepages)
	Bootstring (base for punycode)
You can find the darcs repository on [1] and a tarball on [2].
So please, send comments, bugs, suggestions and code!


[1] http://code.haskell.org/encoding/

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