[Haskell] New look for haskell.org: MediaWiki

Sebastian Sylvan sebastian.sylvan at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 06:26:46 EST 2006

On 1/9/06, John Peterson <peterson-john at cs.yale.edu> wrote:
> As everyone has noticed during the "making Haskell more open"
> discussion, MediaWiki was suggested as a better wiki technology for
> haskell.org.  Ashley Yakeley has generously installed MediaWiki and we
> would like to migrate the main pages of haskell.org into this wiki.
> The migration is not complete - only the front page is finished - but
> I'd like to make this public now so that there's time for comments.
> In the end, this will allow anyone to come in and fix up the main
> haskell.org pages - the people, the projects, the help for beginners,
> whatever you want.  Olaf and I will then step back and let the
> community work directly on the entire site without having to bother us
> (a big advantage!).
> This will also impact the old Haskell wiki.  Rather than try to
> automatically convert the old wiki to the new one, we're going to ask
> the community to come in and do this for us.  In particular, the new
> wiki is under the GNU FDL so the licenses are not necessarily
> compatible.  We will keep the two wikis going "side by side" for a
> while but in the long term I hope all content migrates to MediaWiki
> (we won't be deprecating the Trac stuff - this will stay as is).
> I believe that MediaWiki is more professional looking and
> has a nice separation of documentation and discussion that MoinMoin
> lacks.  I hope that this will result in better wiki content and a more
> organized site.  Moving content by hand will give us all a chance to
> spruce up the existing content as it moves (and get rid of all the
> ugly CamelCase page names!).
> I expect that it will take another week or so for the rest of the
> haskell.org pages to move into the new wiki - at that point we'll
> "flip the switch" and take down the old pages (but not the old wiki
> yet) and change the main page to point into the MediaWiki.  Content
> that isn't being maintained by Olaf and I will stay as before although
> I hope that more and more pages will move into the wiki and we won't
> have to give out accounts to people on haskell.org just to host
> projects.
> The new wiki isn't yet visible from the front page but you can find it
> at http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Haskell
> For you style sheet gurus, the style sheet itself is also in the wiki
> at
> http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/MediaWiki:Quiet.css
> If anyone wants to help move the main pages over, drop me an email and
> I'll coordinate things.
> Feel free to start adding stuff to the new wiki.  It won't be visible
> to the outside world immediately but you can get it ready for the
> switch over.
> This isn't a completely "done deal" - there is still time to object to
> the whole thing or make suggestions.  Nothing will be visible to the
> outside world until we make the switch later.  But I believe this will
> result in a much better site and also make life a lot easier for Olaf
> and I.  (And I apologize to everyone that's asked for updates to
> haskell.org recently - I've been avoiding them to concentrate on
> this!).
> I'm sure some of the MediaWiki settings still need to be tweaked.
> Send me mail if something in the configuration of MediaWiki needs to
> be changed.
> A big thanks again to Ashley!

Is there a way to typeset Haskell syntax yet?


Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862

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