[Haskell] ANN: ftphs

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Dec 8 05:01:00 EST 2006

I'm pleased to announce the first standalone release of ftphs.

ftphs is an FTP client and server library for Haskell.

Its features include:

  * Easy to use operation
  * Full support of text and binary transfers
  * Optional lazy interaction
  * Server can serve up a real or a virtual filesystem tree
  * Standards compliant

ftphs was previously a part of the MissingH library.  The code in this
release is unchanged from its state in MissingH, other than the
changes necessary to make it a standalone package.

You can find the ftphs homepage, which features a wiki, downloads,
API reference, darcs repository viewer, and bug tracker, at:


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