[Haskell] ANNOUNCE : HSPClientside 0.2

Joel Björnson joel.bjornson at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 09:40:48 EDT 2006

I'm pleased to announce a new version of HSPClientside (0.2) ,developed as a
GSoC project during this summer.
HSPClientside is a Haskell Server Pages library for generating JavaScript

Some features include.
* An embedding of (typed) JavaScript language in Haskell.
* Implementation of an interface to (parts of) XML/HTML DOM.
* An embedded language (HJScript) , with combinatiors for producing blocks
of JavaScript.
* High-level interface to Ajax functionality.

My desire is that it should be easily extendable with all sorts of more
special purposed JavaScript functionality.
Even though the GSoC is now officially over, I will continue working on the
project as time occurs.
I would also like to invite as many of you as possible to join !

At last, a big thank you to all (Google, Haskell.org, Niklas Broberg etc..)
who made this
project possible (and turned my summer into a Haskell coding session :-) )

For more information see
Darcs repository is available at darcs.haskell.org/SoC/hsp.clientside/

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