[Haskell] Re: How to zip folds: A library of fold transformers

oleg at pobox.com oleg at pobox.com
Wed Oct 12 07:32:07 EDT 2005


> We show how to merge two folds into another fold `elementwise'. ... We
> need recursive types -- but again, never value recursion.

There is no need for recursive types, actually. Higher-rank types are
still present, which we need for fold anyway. Introducing recursive
types wasn't a good idea anyway, because with recursive types 
"\x -> x x" becomes typeable and we can easily recover value recursion.

The following is an implementation of szipWith (the zip function over
two folds) that uses no recursion -- neither in value nor in
types. All iterative processing is driven by the folds themselves. I'm
afraid the code is a bit less perspicuous than before (although the
general idea remained the same):

We introduce another higher-rank type (the old FR would have sufficed,
too). The bulk of the code is splitting the fold l2 into the head and
the "rest of the fold".

> newtype FR1 a b = FR1 (forall w. (a->b->w) -> w -> w)
> unFR1 (FR1 x) = x

> szipWith :: (a->b->c) -> FR a -> FR b -> FR c
> szipWith t l1 l2 = 
>   FR(\f z -> 
>      let p str e r = unFR1 (unFR str ssk caseB) (sk e r) z
>	   sk e1 r1 e2 r2 = f (t e1 e2) (r1 r2) 
>          caseB = FR1(\a b -> b)
>          ssk v fk = FR1(\a _ -> 
> 		      a v (FR (\s' f' -> 
> 				  unFR1 fk
>				  (\ v'' x  -> s' v'' (unFR x s' f'))
>				  f')))
>      in unFR l1 (\e r x -> p x e r) (\r -> z) l2)

All the old tests pass.

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