[Haskell] How to zip folds: A library of fold transformers
oleg at pobox.com
oleg at pobox.com
Tue Oct 11 20:25:24 EDT 2005
We show how to merge two folds into another fold
`elementwise'. Furthermore, we present a library of (potentially
infinite) ``lists'' represented as folds (aka streams, aka
success-failure-continuation--based generators). Whereas the standard
Prelude functions such as |map| and |take| transform lists, we
transform folds. We implement the range of progressively more complex
transformers -- from |map|, |filter|, |takeWhile| to |take|, to |drop|
and |dropWhile|, and finally, |zip| and |zipWith|.
Emphatically we never convert a stream to a list and so we never use
value recursion. All iterative processing is driven by the fold
The implementation of zip also solves the problem of ``parallel
loops''. One can think of a fold as an accumulating loop. One can
easily represent a nested loop as a nested fold. Representing parallel
loop as a fold is a challenge, answered at the end of the message. We
need recursive types -- but again, never value recursion.
This library is inspired by Greg Buchholz' message on the Haskell-Cafe list
and is meant to answer open questions posed at the end of that message
This message a complete literate Haskell code.
> {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
> module Folds where
First we define the representation of a list as a fold:
> newtype FR a = FR (forall ans. (a -> ans -> ans) -> ans -> ans)
> unFR (FR x) = x
It has a rank-2 type. The defining equations are: if flst is a value
of a type |FR a|, then
unFR flst f z = z if flst represents an empty list
unFR flst f z = f e (unFR flst' f z)
if flst represents the list with the head 'e'
and flst' represents the rest of that list
>From another point of view, |unFR flst| can be considered a _stream_
that takes two arguments: the success continuation of the type
|a -> ans -> ans| and the failure continuation of the type |ans|. The LogicT
paper discusses such types in detail, and shows how to find that "rest
of the list" flst'. The slides of the ICFP05 presentation by
Chung-chieh Shan point out to more related work in that area.
But we are here to drop, take, dropWhile, etc. Our functions will
take a stream and return another stream, of the |FR a| type, which
represents truncated, filtered, etc. source stream.
Let us define two sample streams: a finite and an infinite one:
> stream1 :: FR Char
> stream1 = FR (\f unit -> foldr f unit ['a'..'i'])
> stream2 :: FR Int
> stream2 = FR (\f unit -> foldr f unit [1..])
and the way to show the stream. This is the only time we convert |FR a|
to a list -- so we can more easily show it.
> instance Show a => Show (FR a) where
> show l = show $ unFR l (:) []
The map function is trivial:
> smap :: (a->b) -> FR a -> FR b
*> smap f l = FR(\g -> unFR l (g . f))
which can also be written as
> smap f l = FR((unFR l) . (flip (.) f))
For example,
> test1 = show $ smap succ stream1
Next is the filter function:
> sfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> FR a -> FR a
> sfilter p l = FR(\f -> unFR l (\e r -> if p e then f e r else r))
> test2 = sfilter (not . (`elem` "ch")) stream1
The function takeWhile is quite straightforward, too
> stakeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> FR a -> FR a
> stakeWhile p l = FR(\f z -> unFR l (\e r -> if p e then f e r else z) z)
> test3 = stakeWhile (< 'z') stream1
> test3' = stakeWhile (< 10) stream2
As we can see, stakeWhile well applies to an infinite stream.
The functions take, drop, dropWhile ask for more complexity.
> stake :: (Ord n, Num n) => n -> FR a -> FR a
> stake n l = FR(\f z ->
> unFR l (\e r n -> if n <= 0 then z else f e (r (n-1))) (const z) n)
> test4 = stake 20 stream1
> test4' = stake 5 stream1
> test4'' = stake 11 stream2
> test4''' = (stake 11 . smap (^2)) stream2
The function sdrop shows the major deficiency: we're stuck with the
(<=0) test for the rest of the stream. In this case, some delimited
continuation operators like `control' can help, in limited
> sdrop :: (Ord n, Num n) => n -> FR a -> FR a
> sdrop n l = FR(\f z ->
> unFR l (\e r n -> if n <= 0 then f e (r n) else r (n-1)) (const z) n)
> test5 = sdrop 20 stream1
> test5' = sdrop 5 stream1
> test5'' = stake 5 $ sdrop 11 stream2
The function dropWhile becomes straightforward
> sdropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> FR a -> FR a
> sdropWhile p l = FR(\f z ->
> unFR l (\e r done ->
> if done then f e (r done)
> else if p e then r done else f e (r True)) (const z) False)
> test6 = sdropWhile (< 'z') stream1
> test6' = sdropWhile (< 'd') stream1
> test6'' = stake 5 $ sdropWhile (< 10) stream2
The zip function is the most complex.
Here we need a recursive type: an iso-recursive type to emulate the
equi-recursive one.
> newtype RecFR a ans = RecFR (a -> (RecFR a ans -> ans) -> ans)
> unRecFR (RecFR x) = x
This is still a newtype: there is no extra consing.
I will not pretend that the following is the most perspicuous piece of code:
*> szip :: FR a1 -> FR a2 -> FR (a1,a2)
*> szip l1 l2 = FR(\f z ->
*> let l1' = unFR l1 (\e r x -> unRecFR x e r) (\r -> z)
*> l2' = unFR l2 (\e2 r2 e1 r1 -> f (e1,e2) (r1 (RecFR r2))) (\e r-> z)
*> in l1' (RecFR l2'))
It can be simplified to the following:
> szipWith :: (a->b->c) -> FR a -> FR b -> FR c
> szipWith t l1 l2 = FR(\f z ->
> unFR l1 (\e r x -> unRecFR x e r) (\x -> z)
> (RecFR $
> unFR l2 (\e2 r2 e1 r1 -> f (t e1 e2) (r1 (RecFR r2))) (\e r -> z)))
> szip :: FR a -> FR b -> FR (a,b)
> szip = szipWith (,)
One can easily prove that this function does correspond to zip for all
finite streams. The proof for infinite streams requires more
> test81 = szip stream1 stream1
> test82 = szip stream1 stream2
> test83 = szip stream2 stream1
> test84 = stake 5 $ szip stream2 (sdrop 10 stream2)
As one may expect (or not), these tests give the right results
*Folds> test83
*Folds> test84
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