[Haskell] Beyond ASCII only editors for Haskell

Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho antti-juhani at kaijanaho.info
Tue May 24 06:49:11 EDT 2005

On 20050524T111249+0200, Benjamin Franksen wrote:
> The problem is that the 'else' must be indented 
> further than the 'if', so that this:
>   if cond then
>     on_true
>   else
>     on_false
> usually gives me a syntax error.

I usually write that as

  if cond
     then on_true
     else on_false

or, another example,

  if cond
     then do on_true_1
     else do on_false_1
             on_false 2

which looks a little odd looking from a C/Pascal-style perspective but
is logical and understandable.
Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho                  http://antti-juhani.kaijanaho.info/

		Blogi - http://kaijanaho.info/antti-juhani/blog/
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