[Haskell] FSTTCS05

S. P. Suresh spsuresh at cmi.ac.in
Wed May 11 06:11:27 EDT 2005

Dear Listserv coordinator,

Please post the following Call for Papers.
Any queries may be sent to fsttcs at imsc.res.in.

Thanks and best regards,

S.P. Suresh
for FST&TCS 2005


The 25th Conference on Foundations of Software Technology 
and Theoretical Computer Science - FST&TCS 2005
  December 15--18, 2005, Hyderabad, INDIA
  Call for Papers

* Important dates:
  Submission deadline:
     Abstracts:        17 June 2005
     Paper:            24 June 2005
  Notification:        19 August 2005
  Final Version due:   16 September 2005

* Satellite Workshops: December 12--14, 2005.
  Algorithms for Networks: coordinated by
    Amit Kumar (IIT, Delhi) and Aravind Srinivasan (Maryland, USA)

  Software verification: coordinated by
    P. Madhusudan (Urbana, USA) and Sriram Rajamani (Microsoft, USA)

* Confirmed invited Speakers:
  Manindra Agrawal, Tom Henzinger, Igor Walukiewicz.
* For details see:


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			  25th conference on
			    (FSTTCS '05)


			December 15--18,  2005
	Indian Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India

The Indian Association for Research in Computing Science, IARCS,
announces the 25th Annual FSTTCS Conference in Hyderabad.

The FSTTCS conference is a forum for presenting original results in
foundational aspects of Computer Science and Software Technology. The
conference proceedings have been published by Springer-Verlag as
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). FSTTCS 2004 Proceedings
were published as LNCS 3328.

Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and
unpublished research in any area of Theoretical Computer Science or
Foundational aspects of Software Technology. Representative areas
include, but are not limited to: 

 Automata, Languages and Computability
 Automated Reasoning, Rewrite Systems, and Applications
 Combinatorial Optimization
 Computational Biology
 Computational Complexity
 Computational Geometry
 Concurrency Theory
 Cryptography and Security Protocols
 Database Theory and Information Retrieval
 Data Structures
 Graph and Network Algorithms
 Logic, Proof Theory, Model Theory and Applications
 Logics of Programs and Temporal Logics
 New Models of Computation, including Quantum Computation
 Parallel and Distributed Computing
 Programming Language Design and Semantics
 Randomized and Approximation Algorithms
 Software Specification and Verification
 Timed and Hybrid Systems
 Type Systems

The invited speakers who have confirmed their participation 
in FSTTCS'05 till date are:

Manindra Agrawal (IIT, Kanpur)
Tom Henzinger    (EPFL, Lausanne; UC-Berkeley)
Igor Walukiewicz (LaBRI, Bordeaux)

In addition to invited talks and contributed papers, the FSTTCS 2005
programme will have two pre-conference workshops during 12-14 December.

Algorithms for Networks: coordinated by 
  Amit Kumar (IIT, Delhi) and Aravind Srinivasan (Maryland, USA)

Software verification: coordinated by
  P. Madhusudan (Urbana, USA) and Sriram Rajamani (Microsoft, USA)

Submission Guidelines
Authors may submit drafts of full papers or extended abstracts. 
Submissions are limited to 12 pages in LNCS style (see the 
conference site for full details). Proofs omitted due to space
constraints may be put into a clearly marked appendix (but the 
paper should be intelligible without the appendix, as reviewers
are not required to read appendices).  Concurrent submissions to 
other conferences / journals are not acceptable.

Electronic submission is very strongly recommended. For details,
please look at the conference site: http://www.fsttcs.org

For an accepted paper to be included in the proceedings, one of the
authors must commit to presenting the paper at the conference.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 
   Abstracts:        17 June 2005
   Paper:            24 June 2005
Notification:        19 August 2005
Final Version due:   16 September 2005

Conference Site:     http://www.fsttcs.org/

Program Committee:

  Luca Aceto, Reykjavik, Iceland; Aalborg, Denmark        
  Mike Atallah, West Lafayette, USA  
  Anuj Dawar, Cambridge, UK         
  Paul Gastin, Paris, France       
  Dimitra Giannakopoulou, NASA, USA   
  Sudipto Guha, Philadelphia, USA    
  Venkatesan Guruswami, Seattle, USA    
  Sariel Har Peled, Urbana, USA    
  Samir Khuller, Maryland, USA    
  Amit Kumar, Delhi, India       
  Kamal Lodaya, Chennai, India  
  P. Madhusudan, Urbana, USA  
  Yossi Matias, Tel Aviv, Israel      
  Anca Muscholl, Paris, France       
  Tobias Nipkow, Munich, Germany    
  Greg Plaxton, Austin, USA        
  Sanjiva Prasad, Delhi, India    
  Jaikumar Radhakrishnan,Mumbai,India 
  G. Ramalingam, Bangalore, India    
  Rajeev Raman, Leicester, UK       
  R. Ramanujam, Chennai, India        (Co-chair)
  Mark Reynolds, Perth, Australia 
  Sandeep  Sen, Kharagpur, India      (Co-chair)
  Santosh Vempala, Cambridge, USA  

The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
CIT Campus, Chennai 600 113 

Email: fsttcs at imsc.res.in
Phone: +91 44 2254 1856
Fax:   +91 44 2254 1586


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