[Haskell] fixed-length vectors
S.M.Kahrs at kent.ac.uk
Wed May 11 07:28:10 EDT 2005
Half a year ago, I was teaching on a short FP course for postgrads,
and there I used a different approach to fixed-length vectors:
The code below was part of a larger set that overall implemented Minesweeper,
using these kinds of vectors.
infixr :.
infixl !.
data Cons b a = a :. b a
data NIL a = NIL
instance Functor NIL where fmap _ NIL = NIL
instance Functor v => Functor (Cons v) where
fmap f (x :. xs) = f x :. fmap f xs
class Indexable v where
update :: Int -> (a->a) -> v a -> v a
(!.) :: v a -> Int -> a
instance Indexable NIL where
update n f NIL = NIL
NIL !. _ = error "index out of bounds"
instance Indexable v => Indexable (Cons v) where
update 0 f (x:.xs) = f x :. xs
update n f (x:.xs) = x :. update (n-1) f xs
(x:.xs) !. 0 = x
(x:.xs) !. n = xs !. (n-1)
class Zip v where
zipw2 :: (a->b->c)->v a -> v b -> v c
zipw3 :: (a->b->c->d)->v a -> v b -> v c -> v d
instance Zip NIL where
zipw2 f NIL NIL = NIL
zipw3 f NIL NIL NIL = NIL
instance Zip v => Zip (Cons v) where
zipw2 f (x:.xs)(y:.ys) = f x y :. zipw2 f xs ys
zipw3 f (x:.xs)(y:.ys)(z:.zs) = f x y z :. zipw3 f xs ys zs
class (Zip v,Functor v,Indexable v,Shift v,Fold1 v) => Vector v where
listify :: v a -> [a]
fromList :: [a] -> v a
instance Vector NIL where
listify NIL = []
fromList _ = NIL
instance Vector w => Vector (Cons w)
listify (x :. xs) = x : listify xs
fromList [] = error "list too short"
fromList (x:xs) = x:. fromList xs
-- Update an array to have value x at position (n,m)
update2D :: (Indexable v,Indexable w) => Int -> Int -> a -> v(w a) -> v(w a)
update2D n m x xss = update n (update m (const x)) xss
lookup2D :: (Vector v, Vector w) => v(w a) -> Int -> Int -> a
lookup2D xs i j = xs !. i !. j
class Shift v where
shiftleft :: a -> Cons v a -> Cons v a
shiftright :: a -> Cons v a -> Cons v a
snoc :: a -> v a -> Cons v a
instance Shift NIL where
shiftleft x (y:.NIL) = x:.NIL
shiftright = shiftleft
snoc = (:.)
instance Shift v => Shift (Cons v) where
shiftleft x (y:.ys) = snoc x ys
shiftright x (y:.ys) = x :. shiftright y ys
snoc x (y :. ys) = y :. snoc x ys
class Fold1 v where
fold1 :: (a->a->a) -> Cons v a -> a
instance Fold1 NIL where
fold1 f (x:.NIL) = x
instance Fold1 v => Fold1 (Cons v) where
fold1 f (x:.xs) = f x (fold1 f xs)
{- in order to have a common type for vectors, use existentials : -}
data Anyrow a = forall v. Vector v => Anyrow(v a)
buildrow :: [a] -> Anyrow a
buildrow [] = Anyrow NIL
buildrow (x:xs) = xcons x (buildrow xs)
xcons :: a -> Anyrow a -> Anyrow a
xcons a (Anyrow xs) = Anyrow (a :. xs)
ncons :: a -> Anyrow a -> NErow a
ncons a (Anyrow xs) = NErow (a :. xs)
data NErow a = forall v.Vector v => NErow(Cons v a)
buildnerow :: [a] -> NErow a
buildnerow [] = error "non-empty vector from empty list"
buildnerow (x:xs) = ncons x (buildrow xs)
data NEmatrix a = forall v w.(Vector v,Vector w)=>NEmatrix(Cons v(Cons w a))
singleton :: NErow a -> NEmatrix a
singleton (NErow bs) = NEmatrix (bs :. NIL)
mcons:: [a] -> NEmatrix a -> NEmatrix a
mcons xs (NEmatrix m) = NEmatrix(fromList xs :. m)
buildnematrix :: [[a]] -> NEmatrix a
buildnematrix [] = error "empty matrix"
buildnematrix [bs] = singleton(buildnerow bs)
buildnematrix (b:bs) = mcons b (buildnematrix bs)
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