[Haskell] WxHaskell

Morkai morkai04 at libero.it
Wed Dec 14 13:15:56 EST 2005

Martijn Schrage wrote:

> If you're using Windows (which seems to be the case, looking at the 
> file paths in your posting), there's a third option:
> 3) Download the precompiled binary I built for Windows and GHC 6.4.1 from
> http://www.cs.uu.nl/research/projects/proxima/wxhaskell-bin-msw2.4.2-ghc6.4.1-0.9.4-0.zip 
I've downgraded GHC to 6.4 but soon I will try your binary with a fresh 
install of GHC 6.4.1 ;)
Another question: I've compiled the example 'TimeFlows.hs' but the 
executable is quite big (7Mb!!!). Even with strip (not found in GHC but, 
thankfully, in  /bin of DEV-C++ installation) the size is still 3 Mb.
Maybe linking the exec to WX DLL (wxc-msw2.4.2-0.9.4.dll) could help but 
the user_guide isn't very clear (for me, of course ;) on the topic.

> Cheers,
> Martijn

Thanks for all, Tony :)

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