[Haskell] cabal and ghcconfigure.h
robdockins at fastmail.fm
Sat Dec 3 08:46:23 EST 2005
On Dec 1, 2005, at 10:18 AM, Duncan Coutts wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 22:48 -0500, Robert Dockins wrote:
>> I've just run across a problem with my cabal build system -- I'm not yet sure
>> if this is a cabal problem or a system configuration problem.
>> I've been developing a package on OSX using the ghc 6.4.1 and cabal from
>> darwinports. All is fine and dandy. However, today I've sucked my darcs
>> repo down to my machine at home (running Gentoo linux) and now my package
>> won't build. (this time with GHC 6.4.1 from portage and cabal 1.1.3)
>> It halts while apparently running an Alex generated lexer through CPP, with
>> the error:
>> ghcconfig.h: No such file or directory
>> My GHC install has this file at /usr/lib/ghc-6.4.1/include, but it clearly
>> isn't in the include path that cabal is using.
>> So the question is -- is this a cabal bug of some kind, or is the gentoo setup
>> messed up some how? How should I proceed?
> Are you using cpphs?
No, both environments do not have cpphs installed.
> When you use ghc to do the 'cpp'ing it adds -I/usr/lib/ghc-6.4.1/include
> but if Cabal is using cpphs then I suspect that it will not.
> You can pass -v to Cabal to get it to show you exactly what it is
> invoking:
> runhaskell Setup.lhs build -v
> Alternatively you can specify the /usr/lib/ghc-6.4.1/include directory
> in the "include-dirs" field in the .cabal file, however this is not
> ideal of course since that path will vary between systems and ghc
> versions.
Yes, but this seems like exactily the kind of thing we'd like to avoid.
The major difference between the two machines seems to be the version of
cabal. On my mac (where compilation works), cabal version 1.0 is
installed, whereas on my gentoo machine cabal 1.1.3 is installed (both
with GHC 6.4.1).
Neither command line has a '-I' option.
Any ideas?
The following output was generated on the OSX machine:
$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.4.1
$ ghc-pkg -list
rts-1.0, base-1.0, haskell98-1.0, template-haskell-1.0, unix-1.0,
Cabal-1.0, parsec-1.0, haskell-src-1.0, network-1.0,
QuickCheck-1.0, HUnit-1.1, mtl-1.0, fgl-5.2, X11-1.1, HGL-3.1,
OpenGL-2.0, GLUT-2.0, stm-1.0, readline-1.0, (lang-1.0),
(concurrent-1.0), (posix-1.0), (util-1.0), (data-1.0), (text-1.0),
(net-1.0), (hssource-1.0)
$ runhaskell Setup.hs configure -v
Warning: No license-file field.
Configuring Cmm-0.1...
configure: searching for ghc in path.
configure: found ghc at /opt/local/bin/ghc
/opt/local/bin/ghc --version >tmp19500
configure: looking for package tool: ghc-pkg near compiler in
configure: found package tool in /opt/local/bin/ghc-pkg
configure: Using install prefix: /usr/local
configure: Using compiler: /opt/local/bin/ghc
configure: Compiler flavor: GHC
configure: Compiler version: 6.4.1
configure: Using package tool: /opt/local/bin/ghc-pkg
configure: Using haddock: /opt/local/bin/haddock
configure: Using happy: /opt/local/bin/happy
configure: Using alex: /opt/local/bin/alex
configure: Using hsc2hs: /opt/local/bin/hsc2hs
configure: No cpphs found
configure: Reading installed packages...
/opt/local/bin/ghc-pkg --global list >tmp19500
$ runhaskell Setup.hs build -v
Reading parameters from /Users/rdocki01/code/cmm/Cmm.buildinfo
Preprocessing library Cmm-0.1...
/opt/local/bin/alex -g -osrc/Language/Cmm/Parser/CmmLex.hs
/opt/local/bin/happy -agc -osrc/Language/Cmm/Parser/CmmParser.hs
Preprocessing executables for Cmm-0.1...
Building Cmm-0.1...
/opt/local/bin/ghc -package-name Cmm -odir dist/build/src -hidir
dist/build/src --make -isrc Language.Cmm.Frontend Language.Cmm.Datatypes
Language.Cmm.Parser Language.Cmm.Lint Language.Cmm.Messages
Language.Cmm.Messages.EN Language.Cmm.Parser.CmmLex
Language.Cmm.Parser.CmmParser Language.Cmm.Parser.PPrSyntax
Language.Cmm.Parser.Syntax Language.Cmm.Parser.Tokens
Language.Cmm.Parser.ParseMonad Language.Cmm.Parser.ParserUtils
Language.Cmm.Parser.LexUtils Language.Cmm.Lint.SymbolTable
Language.Cmm.Lint.BuildTables Language.Cmm.Lint.LintMonad
Language.Cmm.Lint.Typecheck Language.Cmm.Lint.LintProc
Language.Cmm.Lint.LintConstants Language.Cmm.Lint.LintTop
Chasing modules from:
Compiling Language.Cmm.Lint.SymbolTable (
dist/build/src/Language/Cmm/Lint/SymbolTable.o )
Compiling Language.Cmm.Datatypes ( src/Language/Cmm/Datatypes.hs,
dist/build/src/Language/Cmm/Datatypes.o )
[ snip a bunch of successful compile messages ]
This output was generated on the gentoo machine where compilation fails:
$ ghc-pkg -list
rts-1.0, base-1.0, haskell98-1.0, template-haskell-1.0, unix-1.0,
parsec-1.0, haskell-src-1.0, network-1.0, QuickCheck-1.0,
HUnit-1.1, mtl-1.0, fgl-5.2, X11-1.1, HGL-3.1, OpenGL-2.0,
GLUT-2.0, stm-1.0, readline-1.0, (lang-1.0), (concurrent-1.0),
(posix-1.0), (util-1.0), (data-1.0), (text-1.0), (net-1.0),
(hssource-1.0), Cabal-1.1.3
$ runhaskell Setup.hs configure -v
Setup.hs: Warning: No license-file field.
Configuring Cmm-0.1...
configure: searching for ghc in path.
configure: found ghc at /usr/bin/ghc
"/usr/bin/ghc" --version >tmp8374
configure: looking for package tool: ghc-pkg near compiler in
configure: found package tool in /usr/bin/ghc-pkg
configure: Using install prefix: /usr/local
configure: Using compiler: /usr/bin/ghc
configure: Compiler flavor: GHC
configure: Compiler version: 6.4.1
configure: Using package tool: /usr/bin/ghc-pkg
configure: No haddock found
configure: Using happy: /usr/bin/happy
configure: Using alex: /usr/bin/alex
configure: Using hsc2hs: /usr/bin/hsc2hs
configure: No c2hs found
configure: No cpphs found
configure: No greencard found
configure: Reading installed packages...
"/usr/bin/ghc-pkg" --global list >tmp8374
$ runhaskell Setup.hs build -v
Preprocessing library Cmm-0.1...
/usr/bin/alex -g -o src/Language/Cmm/Parser/CmmLex.hs
/usr/bin/happy -agc -o src/Language/Cmm/Parser/CmmParser.hs
Preprocessing executables for Cmm-0.1...
Building Cmm-0.1...
/usr/bin/ghc -package-name Cmm -odir dist/build -hidir dist/build
-hide-all-packages --make -i -isrc Language.Cmm.Frontend
Language.Cmm.Datatypes Language.Cmm.Parser Language.Cmm.Lint
Language.Cmm.Messages Language.Cmm.Messages.EN
Language.Cmm.Parser.CmmLex Language.Cmm.Parser.CmmParser
Language.Cmm.Parser.PPrSyntax Language.Cmm.Parser.Syntax
Language.Cmm.Parser.Tokens Language.Cmm.Parser.ParseMonad
Language.Cmm.Parser.ParserUtils Language.Cmm.Parser.LexUtils
Language.Cmm.Lint.SymbolTable Language.Cmm.Lint.BuildTables
Language.Cmm.Lint.LintMonad Language.Cmm.Lint.Typecheck
Language.Cmm.Lint.LintProc Language.Cmm.Lint.LintConstants
Chasing modules from:
src/Language/Cmm/Parser/CmmLex.hs:19: ghcconfig.h: No such file or
The offending file has the same opening, which looks like:
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -cpp #-}
{-# LINE 1 "src/Language/Cmm/Parser/CmmLex.x" #-}
module Language.Cmm.Parser.CmmLex
( lexer
, lexAll
, lexTokens
) where
import Numeric
import Data.Char
import Language.Cmm.Messages
import Language.Cmm.Datatypes( Name(..), PrimOp(..) )
import Language.Cmm.Parser.Tokens
import Language.Cmm.Parser.LexUtils
import Language.Cmm.Parser.ParseMonad
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 603
#include "ghcconfig.h"
#include "config.h"
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 503
import Data.Array
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Array.Base (unsafeAt)
robdockins at fastmail.fm
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