[Haskell] CFP: The Second MetaOCaml Workshop

Kedar Swadi kswadi at cs.rice.edu
Tue Apr 5 11:46:36 EDT 2005

[Apologies for cross-postings. Please forward to interested colleagues]

                            CALL FOR PAPERS

                      The Second MetaOCaml Workshop


                          To be held at GPCE'05 
                (Wednesday Sep 28, 2005, Tallinn, Estonia)

   MetaOCaml is a multi-stage extension of the widely used functional
   programming language OCaml. It provides a generic core for expressing
   macros, staging, and partial evaluation. As such, it also provides
   unique support for building aspect weavers in a statically typed
   setting. The workshop is a forum for discussing experience with
   using MetaOCaml as well as possible future developments for the
   language. The scope of the workshop includes all aspects of the
   design, semantics, theory, application, and implementation of
   MetaOCaml. The workshop welcomes reports on

    * novel applications (especially interpreters and aspect weavers),
    * extensions (macros, new language constructs, offshoring translations),
    * implementation techniques (compilation, RTCG), 
          support (debugging, profiling),
    * educational use,
    * basic theory (staging annotations, static typing, static analysis, 
          environment classifiers, etc).

   Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the
   Program Committee (PC). The PC will work to provide detailed and
   constructive comments to the authors. The workshop will only have
   informal proceedings, and is intended to be close in spirit to the
   Haskell, ML, and Scheme workshops.

   Based on author requests and PC decisions, authors will be given
   either 25-minute or 15-minute slots to present their ideas,
   either of which will be followed by 15 minutes of questions and
   discussion. At the end of the workshop, one hour will be allocated
   to an open discussion to review the outcomes of the meeting, and
   to discuss future challenges and directions for MetaOCaml.

   For uniformity, authors are encouraged to use the latest ACM SIGS
   conference style file (option 1). We also request that submissions be
   limited to 12 pages in this style. We ask that papers be submitted
   in PDF or Postscript forms through the online submission page at 

Important Dates:
    Submission deadline: June 13, 2005 until midnight GMT 
         (Please use online form at http://www.metaocaml.org/workshop05)
    Notification of acceptance: July 11, 2005
    Final versions posted at the workshop sites: October 20, 2005

Related Tutorial:
   A tutorial on Multi-stage Programming in MetaOCaml is also co-located 
   at GPCE '05, and will be held one day before the workshop, on
   Tuesday, 27 September, 2005, details of which will be found at

   Registration for the workshop is part of registering for GPCE'05. The
   event is co-located with TFP 2005 and ICFP 2005, which already provides 
   housing and transportation information. 

Program Committee:
    Cristiano Calcagno             Imperial College    
    Rowan Davies                   University of Western Australia
    Ralf Hinze                     Universität Bonn    
    Oleg Kiselyov                  FNMOC, Monterey, CA, USA
    Xavier Leroy                   INRIA, Paris 
    Emir Pasalic                   Rice University 
    Jeremy Siek                    Indiana University, Bloomington
    Yannis Smaragdakis             Georgia Tech
    Kedar Swadi                    Rice University (Chair)
    Walid Taha                     Rice University
    Stephanie Weirich              University of Pennsylvania
    Hongwei Xi                     Boston University

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