[Haskell] Coordination 2005: Final call for participation

Jean-Marie JACQUET jmj at info.fundp.ac.be
Mon Apr 4 08:52:54 EDT 2005

[ Our apologies for multiple copies. ]


                     Final Call for Participation

                          COORDINATION 2005
  7th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages 

                            Namur, Belgium, 
                           20-23 April 2005



Modern information systems  rely increasingly on combining concurrent,
distributed, mobile,  reconfigurable and heterogenous  components. New
models,   architectures,   languages,   verification  techniques   are
necessary  to cope  with  the  complexity induced  by  the demands  of
today's software development. Coordination languages have emerged as a
successful approach,  in that  they provide abstractions  that cleanly
separate behavior from communication, therefore increasing modularity,
simplifying reasoning, and ultimately enhancing software development.

Building  on the  success of  the previous  editions,  this conference
provides  a  well-established  forum  for  the  growing  community  of
researchers  interested  in   models,  languages,  architectures,  and
implementation techniques for coordination.


The program of the conference can be found at


It  includes two  invited talks  by  T. Lehman  (IBM Almaden  Research
Center, USA) and J. Misra (University of Texas at Austin, USA) as well
as  three   workshops  on  Coordination   and  Organisation,  Database
Interoperability, and  Methods and Tools  for Coordinating Concurrent,
Distributed and Mobile Systems.


The  conference  will  be   held  at  the  Institute  of  Informatics,
University ot Namur, Belgium.

Capital of  the Walloon  Region, Namur is  a beautiful city  of 80.000
inhabitants.  Its position  at the  confluent  of two  rivers gave  it
military and  economic appeal,  exploited by the  Roman Empire  and by
many others since  then. Much evidence of Namur's  past can be visited
nowadays, including the citadel, one of the greatest in Europe.

Close to Brussels (60 km) and at the intersection of European railways
and highways, Namur can be easily reached by road, train, and plane.

Further  information about  the conference  location may  be  found at 
the URL:



Information about  accommodation (reserving rooms  in hotels specially
booked   for  Coordination  2005   attendees)  and   registration  for
Coordination     2005    and     the    affiliated     workshops    is
available at



                              PROGRAM COMMITTEE


Jean-Marie Jacquet       University of Namur, Belgium
                         jmj at info.fundp.ac.be

Gian Pietro Picco        Politecnico di Milano, Italy
                         picco at elet.polimi.it


Farhad Arbab             CWI, The Netherlands
Luca Cardelli            Microsoft Research, United Kingdom
Gianluigi Ferrari        University of Pisa, Italy
Paola Inverardi          University of l'Aquila, Italy
Toby Lehman              IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Ronaldo Menezes          Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Amy Murphy               University of Lugano, Switzerland
Andrea Omicini           University of Bologna, Italy
George Papadopoulos      University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Ernesto Pimentel         University of Malaga, Spain
Rosario Pugliese         University of Firenze, Italy
Antonio Porto            New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Carolyn Talcott          SRI International, USA
Sebastian Uchitel        Imperial College, United Kingdom
Jan Vitek                Purdue University, USA
Michel Wermelinger       New University of Lisbon, Portugal
                         The Open University, UK
Herbert Wiklicky         Imperial College, United Kingdom
Alexander Wolf           University of Colorado, USA
Alan Wood                University of York, United Kingdom
Gianluigi Zavattaro      University of Bologna, Italy

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