[Haskell] AAMAS 2005 Conference: Final Call for Papers, Tutorial and Workshop Proposals

Matthias Klusch klusch at dfki.de
Fri Oct 29 12:24:57 EDT 2004

+++ Apologies for multiple copies due to cross posting to
     multiple relevant mailing lists +++

                      FINAL CALL

     for Papers, Workshop and Tutorial Proposals,
     and Special Industry Track Papers

       4th International Joint Conference AAMAS on

        Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems

                  July 25 - 29, 2005

         Utrecht University, The Netherlands



Important dates

Conference papers

            Electronic abstracts due:  DECEMBER   6, 2004
            Full electronic paper due: DECEMBER  10, 2004
Workshop and Tutorial proposals due:  DECEMBER  20, 2004

Industry track contributions due:     FEBRUARY  28, 2005

Please note that the conference will be BLIND reviewed!
Authors should carefully read the respective online instructions before 
submitting. Online submission of papers possible at
http://www.aamas2005.nl/paper_submissions'.php from NOVEMBER 8, 2004.

More details are provided in the following.




About the conference

Agents are one of the most prominent and attractive technologies in
computer science at the beginning of the new milennium. The 
technologies, methods, and theories of agents and multiagent systems
are currently contributing to many diverse domains such as information
retrieval, user interfaces, electronic commerce, robotics, computer
mediated collaboration, computer games, education and training,
ubiquitous computing, and social simulation. They not only are a very
promising technology, but are also emerging as a new way of thinking,
a conceptual paradigm for analyzing problems and for designing systems,
for dealing with complexity, distribution, and interactivity, while
providing a new perspective on computing and intelligence.

The AAMAS conference series was initiated in 2002 as a merger of three
highly successful related events: AGENTS (International Conference on
Autonomous Agents), ICMAS (International Conference on Multi-Agent
Systems), and ATAL (International Workshop on Agent Theories,
Architectures, and Languages).

The aim of the joint conference is to provide a single, high-profile, 
internationally renowned forum for research in the theory and practice
of autonomous agents and multiagent systems. In particular, it brings
together the world's researchers active in this important, vibrant, and
rapidly growing field.

AAMAS 2005 events include workshops and tutorials given by distinguished
experts in the field, as well as an agent school, and doctoral mentoring

Please check http://www.aamas2005.nl for latest information on the 

Topics of interest

Topics of interest to AAMAS-05 include, but are not restricted to:

     * agents & complex systems; computational ecosystems
     * agent architectures; perception, action & planning in agents
     * agents & cognitive models
     * agents & networks: web agents, semantic web, grid, web services, P2P
     * agent communication: languages, semantics, pragmatics & protocols
     * agent-mediated electronic commerce & trading agents
     * agent-oriented software engineering & agent-oriented methodologies
     * agent programming languages, development environments & testbeds
     * applications of autonomous agents & multi-agent systems
     * artificial social systems; conventions, norms, social laws & 
     * autonomous robots & robot teams
     * coalition formation & teamwork; cooperative distributed problem 
     * computational complexity in autonomous agents & multi-agent systems
     * cooperation & coordination; multi-agent planning
     * cooperative information systems, middle agents & brokers
     * distributed & multi-agent constraint satisfaction
     * game theoretic/economic foundations; algorithmic mechanism design
     * logics & formal models of agency; verification
     * multi-agent evolution, adaptation & learning
     * mobile agents
     * multi-agent simulation & modeling
     * negotiation, auctions, social choice mechanisms & argumentation
     * ontologies for agent systems
     * privacy & security issues in multi-agent systems
     * scalability & performance issues, robustness & dependability
     * synthetic agents; human-like, lifelike & believable qualities
     * theories of agency & autonomy
     * trust in agent systems; adjustable autonomy

Submission of Conference Papers

AAMAS-05 encourages the submission of theoretical, experimental, 
methodological, and applications papers. Theory papers should make
clear the significance and relevance of their results to the AAMAS
community. Similarly, applied papers should make clear both their
scientific and technical contributions, and are expected to demonstrate
a thorough evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses in practice.
Papers that address isolated agent capabilities (for example, planning
or learning) are discouraged unless they are placed in the overall
context of autonomous agent architectures or multi-agent system
organization and performance. A thorough evaluation is considered an
essential component of any submission. Authors are also requested to
make clear the implications of any theoretical and empirical results, as
well as how their work relates to the state of the art in autonomous
agents and multi-agent systems research as evidenced in, for example,
previous AAMAS conferences. All submissions will be rigorously peer
reviewed and evaluated on the basis of the quality of their technical
contribution, originality, soundness, significance, presentation,
understanding of the state of the art, and overall quality.

In addition to conventional conference papers, AAMAS-05 also welcomes
the submission of papers that focus on implemented systems, software, or
robot prototypes. These papers require a demonstration of the prototype
at the conference and should include a detailed project or system
description specifying the hardware and software features and

Please note that the conference will be BLIND reviewed!

Please carefully check http://www.aamas2005.nl/paper_submissions.htm
for submission details.

The online submission web site
can be used from November 8, 2004.





The AAMAS-2005 Organising Committee invites proposals for
the Tutorial Program, to be held immediately before to the
technical conference (July, 25-26). Tutorials should serve one or
more of the following objectives:

* Introduce novices to major topics of AAMAS research.

* Provide instruction in established practices and methodologies.

* Survey a mature area of AAMAS research and/or practice.

* Motivate and explain an AAMAS topic of emerging importance.

* Introduce expert non-specialists to an AAMAS subarea.

* Survey an area of agent research especially relevant for people
   from industry


Proposals should be from two to four pages in length,
and should contain the following information:

* A brief description of the tutorial, suitable for inclusion in
    the conference registration brochure.

* A detailed outline of the tutorial, including preferred length
    (1/2 or 1 day).

* Characterization of the potential target audience for the
    tutorial, including prerequisite knowledge.

* A description of why the tutorial topic would be of
    interest to a substantial part of the AAMAS audience.

* A brief resume of the presenter(s), which should include name,
    postal address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, background in
the tutorial area, any available example of work in the area
    (ideally, a published tutorial-level article on the subject),
    evidence of teaching experience (including references that address the
proposer's presentation ability), and evidence of scholarship in the

* The name and E-mail address of the corresponding presenter. The
    corresponding presenter should be available for E-mail correspondence
during the evaluation process, in the case clarifications and
    discussions on the scope and content of the proposal are needed.

The evaluation of the proposal will take into account its general
interest for AAMAS attendees (e.g., a tutorial on object-oriented
inheritance will be hardly accepted), the quality of the proposal
(e.g., a tutorial that simply lists a set of concepts without any
apparent rationale behind them will be judged badly) as well as the
expertise and efficacy of the presenters. We emphasize that the
primary criteria for evaluation will be whether a proposal is
interesting, well-structured, and motivated, rather than the
perceived experience/standing of the proposer.

Those submitting a proposal should keep in mind that tutorials are
intended to provide an overview of the field; they should present
reasonably well established information in a balanced way. Tutorials
should not be used to advocate a single avenue of research, nor should
they promote a product.

All proposals should be submitted by electronic mail to
the Tutorial Chair, Onn Shehory (onn at il.ibm.com),
in plain ASCII text, no later than

          **  December 20, 2004 **.

The committee's decision will be notified no later than

          **  January 10, 2005**.

The selection of the tutorials to be included in the final AAMAS program
will be based upon a number of factors, including:
the scientific/technical interest of the topics, the quality of the
proposal, the need to avoid strictly overlapping tutorials, and the
unavoidable need to limit the overall number of selected tutorials.


For all accepted proposals, AAMAS will be responsible for:

   * Providing logistic support and a meeting place for the tutorial.

   * Together with the organizers, determining the tutorial date and time.

   * Duplicating tutorial material and distributing them to the

Tutorial organizers will be responsible for the following:

   * Providing AAMAS with a legible PDF copy of their tutorial notes
     in due time.

   * Presenting the tutorial at AAMAS-05

AAMAS reserves the right to cancel any tutorial if the above
responsibilities are not fulfilled, if deadlines are missed or
if too few attendees register for the tutorial to support the costs of
running the tutorial.


December 20, 2004
Proposal Submission Deadline

January 10, 2005
Acceptance Notification

April 10, 2005
Deadline for submitting tutorial materials

July 25 - 26, 2005
AAMAS-05 Tutorials

Proposals and inquiries should be sent by email (in ASCII)
to the tutorials chair:

   Onn Shehory
   onn at il.ibm.com





The AAMAS-2005 Organising Committee invites proposals for
the Workshop Program, to be held immediately before the
technical conference (July, 25-26).

The main goal of the AAMAS-2005 workshops is to stimulate and
facilitate an active exchange, interaction and comparison of
approaches, methods, and ideas about specific (both theoretical
and applicative) topics on the Agents and Multi-Agent Systems domain.
Workshops should be organized so that an informal and participated
discussion among attendees is guaranteed. Members from all areas
of the AAMAS community are invited to submit workshop proposals
for review. Workshops on new emerging topics or specific relevant
aspects of consolidated ones are particularly encouraged.

Workshops can vary in length, but most will last a full day.
Workshop organizers and attendees must register for their workshop
and possibly for the main AAMAS conference.


Proposals for workshops should be from two to four pages in length,
and should contain the following information:

* A brief technical description of the workshop, specifying the
   workshop goals and the technical issues that will be its focus.

* A brief discussion of why and to whom the workshop is of interest.

* A list of related workshops held within the last two years, if any,
   and their relation to the proposed workshop.

* If applicable, detailed information about previous editions of
   the same workshop (e.g., number of submissions, number of attendees).

* A preliminary call for participation/papers.

* The names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of
   the proposed workshop organizing committee. This committee should
   consist of three or four people knowledgeable about the technical
   issues to be addressed.
   These people cannot all work at the same institution.

* The name of the primary contact for the organizing committee;
   an email address of this person should be given.

* A description of the qualifications of the individual committee
   members with respect to organizing scientific events, including a
   list of workshops previously arranged by any members of the proposed
   organizing committee, if any.

All proposals should be submitted by electronic mail to
the Workshop Chair, Rino Falcone (r.falcone at istc.cnr.it),
in plain ASCII text, no later than

         **  December 20, 2004 **.

The committee's decision will be notified no later than

         **  January 10, 2005**.

The selection of the workshops to be included in the final AAMAS program
will be based upon a number of factors, including:
the scientific/technical interest of the topics, the quality of the
proposal, the need to avoid strictly overlapping workshops, and the
unavoidable need to limit the overall number of selected workshops.


For all accepted proposals, AAMAS will be responsible for:

  * Providing logistic support and a meeting place for the workshop.

  * Together with the organizers, determining the workshop date and time.

  * Duplicating working notes and distributing them to the participants.

Workshop organizers will be responsible for the following:

  * Setting up a Web site for the workshop according to the template that
    will be distributed upon acceptance.

  * Advertising the workshop and issuing a call for participation/papers.

  * Collecting submissions, notifying acceptances in due time, and
    ensuring a transparent and fair selection process. All workshop
    organizers commit themselves to adopt the same deadlines for
    submissions and notifications of acceptance, i.e.,

         - March 14, 2005 submission of contributions to workshops
         - April 18 2005, notifications

  * Making the PDF of the whole workshop notes available to the
    workshop chair in due time (approx. 7 weeks before the conference).

  * Ensuring that the workshop organizers and the participants get
    registered to the workshop and are invited to register to the main

AAMAS reserves the right to cancel any workshop if the above
responsibilities are not fulfilled or if too few attendees register
for the workshop.

AAMAS encourages the production of publications based on the workshop,
and leave this upon the workshop organizers.


December 20, 2004
Proposal Submission Deadline

January 10, 2005
Acceptance Notification

March 14, 2005
Deadline for submitting of contributions to workshops

April 18, 2005
Acceptance Notifications of contributions to workshops

July 25 - 26, 2005
AAMAS-05 Workshops

Please send proposals (in ASCII) and inquiries via email to:

   Rino Falcone
   r.falcone at istc.cnr.it





The AAMAS-05 conference will, for the first time, feature a track
specifically intended for industrial participants: the AAMAS
Industry Track. The industry track is being organised in
cooperation with AgentLink, Europe's IST-funded coordination
activity for autonomous agents and multi-agent systems (see


The AAMAS industry track is a special track at the AAMAS
conference that will run in parallel to the regular AAMAS
scientific track. It will feature presentations and demonstrations
from industrial participants, giving them an opportunity to
showcase the state of the art in technology and industrial
application of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems to AAMAS
delegates and to publish associated papers in a high quality,
formal proceedings. The industry track aims to foster mutually
beneficial links between those engaged in foundational scientific
research and those working to make autonomous agents and
multi-agent systems a commercial reality. This enables
industrially-based software agent developers and practitioners to
participate in AAMAS in a meaningful way and to present their
technology and applications to both their peers and the associated
scientific community.


Whereas in the regular conference track the overriding refereeing
criterion is clearly scientific excellence, the industry track
focuses primarily on the industrial relevance and technological
significance of the contribution. Preference will be given to
mature work demonstrating concrete industrial/commercial results
and business value.

Examples of an "ideal" paper might include: (i) a presentation of
a particular kind of commercially available software agent
technology, together with experience of how this was applied in a
field-tested system; or (ii) a report on a field-tested
agent-based system.

We explicitly discourage the submission of purely speculative
papers, proposals, and plans for future work/potential
applications.  Academic participation in the industry track is
acceptable, but please note that we strongly discourage the
submission of: (i) papers that merely appeal to potential
applications, without demonstrating that they have been
meaningfully applied; (ii) academic papers that work with highly
abstracted versions of potential applications; or (iii) academic
papers that describe software agent systems/platforms without
either a real industrial link or genuine application.

In general, if you believe that your paper makes a scientific
contribution, you should think about submitting to the regular
scientific track; whereas, if your paper is an overview of an
agent technology, a "practical experience" paper, or similar, then
you should probably submit to the industry track.


The industry track invites developers, practitioners, and
industrial researchers to submit high quality papers on agent
technology and its applications. See the conference web site for
paper formatting and submission instructions.

Accepted contributions will be formally published in the
"Proceedings of the Industry Track of AAMAS-05" and will be
distributed at the conference along with the AAMAS-05 main
conference proceedings. Selected publications will be encouraged
to present their applications in the AgentLink newsletter. The
contributions will influence the AgentLink Roadmap to be published
in 2005.

Note that the Industry Track is part of the AAMAS conference -
there is no separate registration for the Industry Track.


Deadline for Submission of Contributions - 28 February 2005
Notification of acceptance - 28 March 2005


  Michal Pechoucek -- Czech Technical University, AgentLink
  Donald Steiner -- Quantum Leap Innovations
  Simon Thompson -- British Telecom

Programme Committee:

  David Allsopp -- Qinetic
  Fabio Bellifemine -- Telecom Italia  Laboratories
  Jeff Bradshaw -- IHMC
  Sven Brueckner -- Altarum
  Monique Calisti -- Whitestein Technologies
  Jonathan Dale -- Futjitsu
  Ian Dickenson -- HP
  Mark Greaves -- DARPA
  Jon Himoff -- CEO Magenta
  Martin Hofmann -- Lockheed Martin
  David Kinny -- Agentis
  James Lawton -- AFRL
  Vladimir Marik -- Rockwell Research Center
  David Martin -- SRI
  Peter McBurney -- AgentLink
  Jim Odell -- Agentis
  Christ Priest -- HP
  Chris Reed -- Calico Jack, Dundee University
  Ralph Ronnquist -- AOS Australia
  Jeff Rosenschein -- Hebrew Uni
  David Sadek -- France Telecom
  Onn Shehory -- IBM Israel
  John Shepherdson -- BT
  Petr Skobelev -- CTO Magenta
  Niranjan Suri -- IHMC
  Simon Thompson -- British Telecom

CONTACT for the industry track:

   Michal Pechoucek
   pechouc at labe.felk.cvut.cz


AAMAS 2005 Joint Conference Organizing Committee

General co-chairs

     Sarit Kraus, Bar-Ilan University / University of Maryland
     Munindar Singh, North Carolina State University

Program co-chairs

     Sven Koenig, University of Southern California
     Michael Wooldridge, University of Liverpool

Local organization chair

     Frank Dignum, Utrecht University

Local treasurer

     Virginia Dignum, Utrecht University

Finance chair

     Sandip Sen, University of Tulsa

Workshops chair

     Rino Falcone, ISTC - CNR

Tutorials chair

     Onn Shehory, IBM Israel

Demos co-chairs

     Omer Rana, Cardiff University
     Thomas Rist, FH Augsburg

Doctoral mentoring chair

     Jürgen Dix, TU Clausthal

Publicity chair

     Matthias Klusch, DFKI

Sponsorship co-chairs

     Monique Calisti (Europe)
     Zakaria Maamar (Middle East)
     Kamal Karlapalem (South Asia)
     Jiming Liu (East Asia)
     Ana Lúcia Bazzan (Latin America)
     William Walsh (US & Canada)

Publications chair

     Bin Yu, Carnegie Mellon University

Student scholarship chair

     Barbara Keplicz, Warsaw University

Exhibits chair

     Marie-Pierre Gleizes, IRIT, University Paul Sabatier


Sarit Kraus	 sarit at macs.biu.ac.il
Munindar Singh   singh at ncsu.edu


Dr. Matthias Klusch
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
Phone: +49-681-302-5297, Fax: +49-681-302-2235
http://www.dfki.de/~klusch/, klusch at dfki.de

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