[Haskell] Haskell implementation of infixr and infixl/priorities

Mark P Jones mpj at cse.ogi.edu
Mon Oct 25 03:46:32 EDT 2004

Hi Peter,

| I´m progarmming a parser for functional programs. Now
| I want to implement the infixL and infixR feature to increase
| the readability of the code. I would be very glad if anyone
| can send me some information about the implementation of
| this feature of  the Haskell parser or where I can find
| something about it.

The comment shown below is taken from the Hugs sources (the
file static.c) and might help to answer your questions.

Hope this helps,

 * Dealing with infix operators:
 * Expressions involving infix operators or unary minus are parsed as
 * elements of the following type:
 *     data InfixExp = Only Exp | Neg InfixExp | Infix InfixExp Op Exp
 * (The algorithms here do not assume that negation can be applied only
 * i.e., that - - x is a syntax error, as required by the Haskell report.
 * Instead, that restriction is captured by the grammar itself, given
 * There are rules of precedence and grouping, expressed by two functions:
 *     prec :: Op -> Int;   assoc :: Op -> Assoc    (Assoc = {L, N, R})
 * InfixExp values are rearranged accordingly when a complete expression
 * has been read using a simple shift-reduce parser whose result may be
 * to be a value of the following type:
 *     data Exp = Atom Int | Negate Exp | Apply Op Exp Exp | Error String
 * The machine on which this parser is based can be defined as follows:
 *     tidy                         :: InfixExp -> [(Op,Exp)] -> Exp
 *     tidy (Only a)      []         = a
 *     tidy (Only a)      ((o,b):ss) = tidy (Only (Apply o a b)) ss
 *     tidy (Infix a o b) []         = tidy a [(o,b)]
 *     tidy (Infix a o b) ((p,c):ss)
 *                      | shift  o p = tidy a ((o,b):(p,c):ss)
 *                      | red    o p = tidy (Infix a o (Apply p b c)) ss
 *                      | ambig  o p = Error "ambiguous use of operators"
 *     tidy (Neg e)       []         = tidy (tidyNeg e) []
 *     tidy (Neg e)       ((o,b):ss)
 *                      | nshift o   = tidy (Neg (underNeg o b e)) ss
 *                      | nred   o   = tidy (tidyNeg e) ((o,b):ss)
 *                      | nambig o   = Error "illegal use of negation"
 * At each stage, the parser can either shift, reduce, accept, or error.
 * The transitions when dealing with juxtaposed operators o and p are
 * determined by the following rules:
 *     shift o p  = (prec o > prec p)
 *               || (prec o == prec p && assoc o == L && assoc p == L)
 *     red o p    = (prec o < prec p)
 *               || (prec o == prec p && assoc o == R && assoc p == R)
 *     ambig o p  = (prec o == prec p)
 *               && (assoc o == N || assoc p == N || assoc o /= assoc p)
 * The transitions when dealing with juxtaposed unary minus and infix
 * operators are as follows.  The precedence of unary minus (infixl 6) is
 * hardwired in to these definitions, as it is to the definitions of the
 * Haskell grammar in the official report.
 *     nshift o   = (prec o > 6)
 *     nred   o   = (prec o < 6) || (prec o == 6 && assoc o == L)
 *     nambig o   = prec o == 6 && (assoc o == R || assoc o == N)
 * An InfixExp of the form (Neg e) means negate the last thing in
 * the InfixExp e; we can force this negation using:
 *     tidyNeg              :: OpExp -> OpExp
 *     tidyNeg (Only e)      = Only (Negate e)
 *     tidyNeg (Infix a o b) = Infix a o (Negate b)
 *     tidyNeg (Neg e)       = tidyNeg (tidyNeg e)
 * On the other hand, if we want to sneak application of an infix operator
 * under a negation, then we use:
 *     underNeg                  :: Op -> Exp -> OpExp -> OpExp
 *     underNeg o b (Only e)      = Only (Apply o e b)
 *     underNeg o b (Neg e)       = Neg (underNeg o b e)
 *     underNeg o b (Infix e p f) = Infix e p (Apply o f b)
 * As a concession to efficiency, we lower the number of calls to syntaxOf
 * by keeping track of the values of sye, sys throughout the process.  The
 * value APPLIC is used to indicate that the syntax value is unknown.

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