[Haskell] Re: Network.CGI: <INPUT TYPE="file">?

Ferenc Wagner wferi at afavant.elte.hu
Tue Nov 30 05:27:20 EST 2004

Johannes Waldmann <waldmann at imn.htwk-leipzig.de> writes:

> The environment then contains
> , ( "QUERY_STRING", "" ), ( "CONTENT_LENGTH", "1590" )
>    , "multipart/form-data;
> boundary=---------------------------1409895718904..."
>    )
> Am I doing something wrong, HTML-wise (is it allowed to
> mix TYPE="file" input with other input elements in one
> FORM?) or is this a problem with the library?

Yes, it is allowed.  Looks like the library can't parse
multipart/form-data encoded content.  If it's indeed the
case, you lost. :-(

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