[Haskell] A puzzle and an annoying feature

Keean Schupke k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk
Thu Nov 25 09:36:26 EST 2004

I have already asked Simon PJ if this can be implemented in GHC... So if 
more people
ask for it, it might get done!


Lennart Augustsson wrote:

> Here is a small puzzle.
> -- The following generates a type error:
> f :: Char -> Char
> f c =
>     let x = g c
>     in  h x
> -- But this definition does not:
> f :: Char -> Char
> f c =
>     let x :: Bool
>     x = g c
>     in  h x
> Furthermore, replacing Bool by any other type in the
> latter definition will always give a type error.
> How is this possible?
> Scroll down for the answer.
> Here is the module:
> module Puzzle(f) where
> f :: Char -> Char
> f c =
>     let x = g c
>     in  h x
> class C a where
>     g :: Char -> a
>     h :: a -> Char
> instance C Bool where
>     g c = c == 'T'
>     h b = if b then 'T' else 'F'
> The error message from ghc is
> Puzzle.hs:5:12:
>     Ambiguous type variable `a' in the top-level constraint:
>       `C a' arising from use of `g' at Puzzle.hs:5:12
> I know the technical reason why this is happening.
> But it's hard for me to motivate why this is reasonable.
> The type variable `a' is not ambiguous at all, the only
> type it can possibly have is Bool; any other type is an error.
> Furthermore, there can never be any other instance of the
> class C added to any program using the module Puzzle since
> the class C is not exported.
> So in what sense is this really ambiguous?
> I think it would be quite reasonable to allow the Puzzle module
> to compile, resolving `a' to be Bool.  I.e., if there is only one
> instance that can satisfy a constraint and there is no possibility
> of adding instances outside the compiled module, I think resolving the
> overloading makes sense.
>     -- Lennart
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