High-level technique for program options handling
Alastair Reid
alastair at reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk
Mon Jan 19 14:17:42 EST 2004
On Sunday 18 January 2004 15:42, Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
> [much explanation of his option processing approach elided]
Interesting technique - lots of cool ideas there.
I too find getOpts to be a great base but have taken a different
approach when writing console-mode Unix programs. Part of my
approach is implemented (download
http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/knit/cmi.html for GPL'ed program and look
in cmi/src/utils/FluxUtils/Prog.hs) and part is still in my head
waiting for an excuse to go cleanup the code.
Some of these tricks can be merged with Tomasz's technique (e.g.,
replace a call to writeFile with a call to writeOutput) while others
are orthogonal (e.g., Tomasz deals with arguments one at a time
whereas some of my tricks look for duplicated arguments or omitted
I would be very interested in comments on this code, the Unix idioms they
implement, Unix idioms omitted, applicability to Windows, MacOS, improving
error messages, etc.
Here's a list of common Unix idioms and how I implement them:
1) Interpreting the filename "-" as stdin or stdout
I use this function (and a similar function for reading
input). [Trivial detail: I use pretty printing for all I/O in my
-- |
-- Write to file ("-" means stdout)
writeOutput :: FilePath -> Doc -> IO ()
writeOutput "-" output = do
printDoc PageMode stdout output
writeOutput outfile output = do
h <- openFile outfile WriteMode
printDoc PageMode h output
hClose h
2) Treating arguments of the form 'VARNAME=VALUE' like
environment variables (cf. GNU make)
3) Printing usage info for malformed command lines
type StringEnv = [(String,String)]
-- |
-- Split command line arguments into flags, variable bindings and other.
compilerOpts :: (Show a, Eq a) => String
-> [OptDescr a] -> IO ([a], StringEnv, [String])
compilerOpts usage options = do
argv <- getArgs
return $ case getOpt Permute options argv of
(o,n,[]) -> (o, env, args) where (env, args) = getEnv n
(_,_,errs) -> error (concat errs ++ usageInfo usage options)
getEnv :: [String] -> (StringEnv,[String])
getEnv args = (map split env,rest)
(env, rest) = partition ('=' `elem`) args
split x = (pre, tail post) where (pre,post) = break (== '=') x
An alternative function is the following:
-- |
-- Extract command line arguments that are inside '+FOO' '-FOO' parentheses
-- then split command line arguments into flags, variable bindings and
-- This is usually used in preference to compilerOpts when a program has to
-- (mostly) behave like another program - that is, when the options have to
-- be somewhat hidden.
runtimeOpts :: (Show a, Eq a) => String -> String -> String
-> [OptDescr a] -> IO ([a], StringEnv, [String])
[Incidentally, a cleanup pass might well replace calls to 'error'
with calls to one of the following functions:
-- |
-- Print an error message and exit program with a failure code
failWith :: Doc -> IO a
failWith msg = do
printDoc PageMode stderr msg
-- |
-- Print an error message and exit program with a failure code
abortWith :: Doc -> a
abortWith msg = unsafePerformIO (failWith (text "" $$ text "Error:" <+>
4) An option can be specified 0 or 1 times:
Filter options using this function
-- |
-- Extract value from a list of length at most one.
uniqueWithDefault :: String -> a -> [a] -> a
uniqueWithDefault what d [] = d
uniqueWithDefault what d [a] = a
uniqueWithDefault what d _ = error $ "At most one " ++ what ++ " may be
For example, the CMI program starts off like this:
-- src/cmi/CMI.hs
main = do
(flags,env,args) <- compilerOpts usage options
let budget = uniqueWithDefault "-b" 0 [ i | Budget b <- flags, (i,"") <-
reads b ]
let outfile = uniqueWithDefault "-o" "flat.c" [ f | Outfile f <- flags ]
let request_files = [ f | Requests f <- flags ]
5) An option must be specified exactly once:
Filter options using this function:
-- |
-- Extract value from a list of length one.
uniqueNoDefault :: String -> [a] -> a
uniqueNoDefault what [] = error $ "You must specify " ++ what
uniqueNoDefault what [a] = a
uniqueNoDefault what _ = error $ "At most one " ++ what ++ " may be
For example,
let outfile = uniqueNoDefault "-o" [ f | Outfile f <- flags ]
6) Implementing --help, --version, --numeric-version, --verbose
Not implemented yet but I plan to handle these by having
the 'compilerOpts' function implement these flags for me.
That is, I would define:
data StandardOptions = Help | Version | ...
and 'compilerOpts' would add these options into the list
it passes to getOpts. (The functions to add the options in
and separate out the results are a little tedious but not hard.)
I'm pretty much agnostic about whether the strings for
version, numeric-version, help, etc. should be provided
as individual arguments or as a Haskell record.
7) --verbose output and varying levels of verbosity
I generate all informational output using this function
where the first argument is either True (generate output)
or False (don't generate output).
-- |
-- Print message to stderr if condition holds
blurt :: Bool -> Doc -> IO ()
blurt False msg = return ()
blurt True msg = printDoc PageMode stderr msg
The first argument is usually based on the --verbose
flag which is initialized by code like this:
let verbosity = length (filter (==Verbose) flags)
and a typical call looks like this:
blurt (verbosity > 4) $ text "Stripped input:" <+> vmap pp cs
[This could probably be improved on using one of a variety of
ways of distributing command line flags around a program.]
Alastair Reid www.haskell-consulting.com
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