High-level technique for program options handling

Tomasz Zielonka t.zielonka at students.mimuw.edu.pl
Sun Jan 18 16:42:30 EST 2004


I've used Haskell to create various command-line utitities for unix-like
systems. In the process I developed a simple yet powerful and flexible
technique for processing program options.

What you can read below is my unfinished attempt at writing an article
about it. The current form is probably far from good, but I decided I'll
rather release it as it is than waste my effort.

I will highly appreciate your opinions and criticism for both technical and
literary side of this text.

High-level technique for program options handling


Sven Panne's GetOpt module does a fine job at parsing command line options. It
has a simple, easy to use interface, handles short and long options,
abbreviated options and most needed option argument modes (no / optional /
required argument). It can even produce a nice usage info from option

[Documentation and example code using this module can be found at

However, I checked over half a dozen serious programs written in Haskell and
saw that in most of them the code responsible for option handling is quite
ugly, repetitious and error prone (of course there were exceptions, see below).
Saying 'option handling' I don't mean the work of analyzing the command line,
but rather how supplied options influence program's behaviour, how error
situations are handled, etc.

(The exception is Wolfgang Thaller's VOP program. Wolfgang used a nice, but a
little lengthy technique there. There are probably other ,,exceptional''
programs out there).

I think there are two major reasons of the current situation. The first reason
is that option handling is rarely of primary concern to the programmer. Often
there are not that much options to handle in the beginning and it seems that
the simplest solution will do. Alas, if the program is evolving and its users
ask for new functionality, new options appear, and the initial design starts to
be an obstacle.

The other reason is lack of good examples. The example delivered with GetOpt
shows how to use the library, but it doesn't show that there are other, better
ways to use it. I don't propose to introduce more advanced techniques to this
example, because it would make it rather heavy. But it would be nice if there
would be a pointer for interested users.

About typical use of GetOpt

In a typical use of GetOpt module (like in the example) there is a definition
of a sum datatype with data constructors corresponding to individual
command-line options. Options with no arguments are represented by nullary
constructors, and options that must or can have arguments - by unary
constructors. For example, below is a slightly modified example from GetOpt's

  data Flag = Verbose               -- this option has no arguments
            | Version               -- no arguments
            | Input (Maybe String)  -- optional argument
            | Output String         -- mandatory argument
            | LibDir String         -- mandatory argument

GetOpt uses 'ArgDescr a' datatype to specify argument modes of options:

  data ArgDescr a = NoArg                   a
                  | ReqArg (String ->       a) String
                  | OptArg (Maybe String -> a) String

Because every constructor of Flag datatype has one of types Flag, (String ->
Flag) or (Maybe String -> Flag), they can be given verbatim as first arguments
to appropriate constructors of 'ArgDescr Flag' datatype.

Used in this way, getOpt parses a list of strings to a list of Flag values.
It also separates options from non option arguments, signals unrecoginized,
ambiguous or improperly used options. 

But after all, it is not that big step. There is still much processing of this
Flag list to do. One has to check if specific options are there in the
list, some options have to be combined, etc, etc.

Advertised technique

( Because I wanted it to be a fully functional Literate Haskell program, here
  come the required imports )

>   module Main (main) where
>   import System.Console.GetOpt
>   import System
>   import Control.Monad
>   import IO
>   import List
>   import Char

Let's look at program options not from the command-line side, but rather from
program(mer)'s side. How to encode them? What would be the best way to present
them to the programmer. How should they influence program's behaviour?

'Verbose' could be an easily accessible Bool value, False by default.
'Version', if supplied, could just print the program's version and exit.
'Input' could just yield a String, either from stdin or from a specified file.
'Output' could just take a String and do something with it.

We need some kind of a fixed-size polytypic dictionary of option values - a
perfect application for Haskell's records. 

>   data Options = Options  { optVerbose    :: Bool
>                           , optInput      :: IO String
>                           , optOutput     :: String -> IO ()
>                           }

Note that I didn't place optVersion in the record. We will handle this option

There is one special combination of options, the start (or default) options:

>   startOptions :: Options
>   startOptions = Options  { optVerbose    = False
>                           , optInput      = getContents
>                           , optOutput     = putStr
>                           }

But in the end we would like to get the record reflecting the options given to
the program. We do this by threading the Options record through functions
processing single options. Each such function can change this record. Why not
just put such functions in ArgDescr and OptDescr datatypes? Here we benefit
from first-class citizenship of functions.

I won't use a pure function with type (Options -> Options), but rather an
effectful function in the IO Monad, because I want to easily perform side
effects during option parsing (here only in 'verbose' and 'help' options, but I
could also check validity of input and output files during option processing).
You may prefer to use a pure function, a State+Error monad, a State+IO monad,
or something different...

>   options :: [ OptDescr (Options -> IO Options) ]
>   options =
>       [ Option "i" ["input"]
>           (ReqArg
>               (\arg opt -> return opt { optInput = readFile arg })
>               "FILE")
>           "Input file"
>       , Option "o" ["output"]
>           (ReqArg
>               (\arg opt -> return opt { optOutput = writeFile arg })
>               "FILE")
>           "Output file"
>       , Option "s" ["string"]
>           (ReqArg
>               (\arg opt -> return opt { optInput = return arg })
>               "FILE")
>           "Input string"
>       , Option "V" ["version"]
>           (NoArg
>               (\_ -> do
>                   hPutStrLn stderr "Version 0.01"
>                   exitWith ExitSuccess))
>           "Print version"
>       , Option "h" ["help"]
>           (NoArg
>               (\_ -> do
>		    prg <- getProgName
>                   hPutStrLn stderr (usageInfo prg options)
>                   exitWith ExitSuccess))
>           "Show help"
>       ]

Now we combine all this pieces:

>   main = do
>       args <- getArgs
>	-- Parse options, getting a list of option actions
>       let (actions, nonOptions, errors) = getOpt RequireOrder options args
>       -- Here we thread startOptions through all supplied option actions
>       opts <- foldl (>>=) (return startOptions) actions
>       let Options { optVerbose = verbose
>                   , optInput = input
>                   , optOutput = output   } = opts
>       when verbose (hPutStrLn stderr "Hello!")
>       input >>= output

Voila! As you can see most of work is done in option descriptions.

I have attached a longer example. It is a simple text file filter that has
options for uppercasing characters, reversing characters and lines, dropping
initial characters, etc. It also shows how easily you can handle the event of
mandatory parameter omission with IO exceptions.

Best regards,

.signature: Too many levels of symbolic links
-------------- next part --------------

module Main (module Main) where

import System.Console.GetOpt
import System
import Control.Monad
import IO
import List
import Char

data Opt = Opt
    { optInput		    :: IO String
    , optOutput		    :: String -> IO ()
    , optVerbose	    :: Bool
    , optFilter		    :: String -> String

startOpt :: Opt
startOpt = Opt
    { optInput		    = exitErrorHelp "use -i option to set input"
			    -- a simple way to handle mandatory flags

    , optOutput		    = putStr
    , optVerbose	    = False
    , optFilter		    = id

options :: [OptDescr (Opt -> IO Opt)]
options =
    [ Option "h" ["help"]
	(NoArg (\opt -> exitHelp)) 
	"Show usage info"

    , Option "i" ["input"]
	    (\arg opt -> do
		return opt { 
		    optInput =
			case arg of
			    "-" -> getContents
			    _	-> readFile arg 
	"Input file, - for stdin"

    , Option "s" ["string"]
	    (\arg opt -> return opt { optInput = return arg })
	"Input string"

    , Option "n" ["newline"]
	    (\opt -> return opt { optOutput = putStrLn }))
	"Add newline on output"

    , Option "v" ["verbose"]
	    (\opt -> return opt { optVerbose = True }))
	"Be verbose"

    , Option "V" ["version"]
	    (\_ -> do
		hPutStrLn stderr "0.01"
		exitWith ExitSuccess))
	"Print version"

    , Option "U" ["uppercase"]
	(NoArg (addFilter (map toUpper)))
	"Convert to uppercase"

    , Option "r" ["reverse"]
	(NoArg (addFilter reverse))

    , Option "t" ["tac"]
	(NoArg (addFilter (unlines . reverse . lines)))
	"Reverse lines"

    , Option "d" ["delete"]
	(ReqArg (\arg -> addFilter (filter (not . (`elem` arg)))) "CHARS")
	"Delete characters"

    , Option "" ["drop"]
	    (\arg opt -> do
		n <- readArg "drop" arg
		addFilter (drop n) opt)
	"Drop n first characters"
    -- helper for composing filters - without it would be too easy to forget
    -- something
    addFilter f opt = return opt { optFilter = f . optFilter opt }

main = do
    (opts, _) <- parseOptions

    let Opt { optVerbose = verbose
	    , optInput = input
	    , optOutput = output
	    , optFilter = filt } = opts

    when verbose (hPutStrLn stderr "I am verbose.")

    input >>= output . filt

showHelp :: IO ()
showHelp = do
    prg <- getProgName
    hPutStrLn stderr (usageInfo prg options)
    hFlush stderr

exitHelp :: IO a
exitHelp = do
    exitWith ExitSuccess

exitError :: String -> IO a
exitError msg = do
    hPutStrLn stderr msg
    hPutStrLn stderr ""

exitErrorHelp :: String -> IO a
exitErrorHelp msg = do
    hPutStrLn stderr msg
    hPutStrLn stderr ""

readArg :: Read a => String -> String -> IO a
readArg name arg = do
    case reads arg of
	((x, []) : _)	-> return x
	_		-> exitError $ "Can't parse " ++ name ++ " arg"

parseOptions :: IO (Opt, [String])
parseOptions = do
    (optsActions, rest, errors) <- getArgs >>= return . getOpt RequireOrder options

    when (not (null errors)) $ do
	mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) errors

    opts <- foldl (>>=) (return startOpt) optsActions
    return (opts, rest)

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