fundeps for extended Monad definition

Ashley Yakeley
Wed, 05 Mar 2003 01:53:20 -0800

In article 
 "Simon Peyton-Jones" <> wrote:

> Here's a less complicated variant of the same problem:
> 	class C a b | a -> b where {}
> 	instance C Int Int where {}
> 	f :: (C Int b) => Int -> b
> 	f x = x
> Is the defn of f legal?  Both GHC and Hugs reject it because the
> inferred type of f is more like
> 	C Int Int => Int -> Int

If this were allowed, it would effectively allow type-lambda. For 
instance, I have a type function T that maps Int to Bool and Bool to 

  class C a b | a -> b
  instance C Int Bool
  instance C Bool Char

  newtype T a = MkT (forall b.(C a b) => b)
  helperIn :: (forall b.(C a b) => b) -> T a
  helperIn b = MkT b; -- currently won't work
  helperOut :: T a -> (forall b.(C a b) => b)
  helperOut (MkT b) = b;

Here T is a type-constructor that does that. If I like, I can represent 
Char as "T (T Int)", though of course I need to use the helper functions 
to actually use it as a Char.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA