A problem about hGetContents -- with another question

Dean Herington heringto@cs.unc.edu
Thu, 23 Jan 2003 00:54:10 -0500 (EST)

On Sun, 19 Jan 2003, Nick Name wrote:

> I got another trouble: I need to build a record type like
> Package { name :: String, version :: Int , mantainer :: String ... other
> fields ... }
> from a list of string of the form
> ["Package: ..." , "Mantainer: ..." , "Version: ..." , ... ]
> where the fields are not bound to be in a particular order, except for
> Package wich is always the first of a record.
> The natural solution in this case seems to be a mutable record, and an
> iteration over the list. Has someone got ideas? This appear to be a
> particularly difficult problem in haskell and it should not be.
> V.

Here's one way to do it:

module ReadRecord where

import Maybe (isJust)

data Package = Package { name       :: Maybe String,
                         version    :: Maybe Int,
                         maintainer :: Maybe String }
  deriving Show

parsePackage :: [String] -> Package
parsePackage = foldl (parseItem trials) (Package Nothing Nothing Nothing)
  parseItem (f:fs) p s = maybe (parseItem fs p s) id (f p s)
  parseItem []     _ s = error $ "can't match " ++ show s

  trials = [
   try "Package"    (ij.name)       (\ p v -> p{name = Just v}),
   try "Version"    (ij.version)    (\ p v -> p{version = Just $ read v}),
   try "Maintainer" (ij.maintainer) (\ p v -> p{maintainer = Just v}) ]

  try key tester setter pkg str = fmap parse $ match (key ++ ": ") str
   where parse text = if tester pkg
                        then error $ "duplicate field: " ++ key
                        else setter pkg text

  match want str = if want == pre then Just post else Nothing
   where (pre, post) = splitAt (length want) str

  ij = isJust

main = mapM_ try goods
try = print . parsePackage

goods = [
  ["Package: p1", "Version: 1", "Maintainer: m1"],
  ["Maintainer: m2", "Package: p2"]

bad1 = ["Version: v-b1", "Foo: foo-b1"]
bad2 = ["Maintainer: me", "Maintainer: me"]
bad3 = ["Version: foo"]

-- Dean