
Ashley Yakeley
Fri, 29 Nov 2002 05:12:51 -0800

At 2002-06-29 14:43, Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:

>To simplify things a bit, let's take a simpler Parser type which doesn't
>use monad state transformers but simple state transformers instead. This
>makes the type ParserState simpler. You can think of a parser state as
>an infinite list of substate-token pairs now. The tokens denote the
>input stream. The substates may be used to encapsulate parser states of
>a subordinate parsing process. When a token is read, the corresponding
>token-substate pair is discarded.

Sounds very complicated. Wouldn't a simple stream transformer work?

  newtype MyParser baseMonad token output = 
   MkMyParser (baseMonad token -> baseMonad output);

>    (>>=):    sequencing of parsers
>    return:   returning values
>    fail:     generation of always failing parsers
>    mzero:    always failing parser
>    mplus:    parsing using alternative parsers
>    fmap:     applying a function to the result of a parser
>    (>>>):    providing high-level tokens and parsing using these tokens
>    identity: reading a single token
>    pure:     reading a single token and applying a function to it

I think I can do all of those for MyParser. There's a one-token 
look-ahead variant:

  newtype MyLookaheadParser m t a = 
   MkMyLookaheadParser (m t -> Maybe t -> m (Maybe t,a));

>(I don't allow
>finite lists here to make some things a bit easier an more elegant. You
>can easily produce an infinite list from a finite one by applying
>something like (++ repeat Nothing) . map Just to the finite list.)

Wouldn't it be easier to allow finite token lists and have reading past 
the last token be the same as mzero?

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA