You can finally run your Chameleon programs!

Nick Name
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 21:28:50 +0100

On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 17:00:36 +0800 (GMT-8)
Martin Sulzmann <> wrote:

>  However, because
>  Chameleon gets translated to Haskell, you can in theory use
>  all of the FFI and other stuff.

I know that it's a research language, but for example it would be nice
to be able to experiment with gtk2 and chameleon. 

Functional programming, and advanced type systems, stand in front of
C/C++ hell like a (well designed) GUI stands in front of the command
line: maybe you have less control, but you do things quick and
correctly, so I think it's interesting to try to apply new ideas to
small "real world" examples. And to do this you need the FFI or a rich
standard library (GHC provides both :)).



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