fold on Monad?

Jon Fairbairn
Wed, 29 May 2002 11:23:26 +0100

Suppose I have a task I want to do to each line of a file,
accumulate a result and output it, I can write

   main =3D do stuff <- getContents
	     print $ foldl process_line initial_value (lines stuff)

ie, it's obviously a fold

I can't see a way of doing the same thing directly on the
IO: I'd like to write something similar to

   main =3D do res <- foldX process_line initial_value getLine
	     print res

foldM almost does it:

   main =3D do res <- foldM process initial_value (repeat getLine)
	     print res

   process a g
    =3D do line <- g
	 return (process_line a line)

but that goes on forever (or some fixed amount if (replicate n/repeat))

I feel this ought to be straightforward -- the structure is
obviously some sort of fold, but I shouldn't have to use a
list -- so I must be missing something obvious. What is it?


-- =

J=F3n Fairbairn                       
31 Chalmers Road                               
Cambridge CB1 3SZ            +44 1223 570179 (after 14:00 only, please!)