
John Hughes
Sat, 25 May 2002 13:25:19 +0200 (MET DST)

On Sat, 25 May 2002, Koen Claessen wrote:

> There are many types which would fit nicely in an arrow
> framework, but do not because of the demand of these
> operators, here are two examples:
>   * Isomorphisms, are nice arrows:
>       type Iso a b = (a -> b, b -> a)
>     but of course not all functions have an appropriate
>     inverse, so arr cannot be defined.
>   * Stream processors (from Fudgets) are nice arrows:
>       data SP a b = Get (a -> SP a b) | Put a (SP a b) | Nil
>     But the first operator assumes that the product type
>     associated with this arrow must be Haskell's product
>     (,), but in fact a sum type would make a much nicer
>     product.
> The reason why John chose to lay out the arrow library as it
> is (I think) is because of:
>   * Simplicity; if you are too general then you get lots of
>     painful classes all over the place.
>   * Sufficiency; all examples he considered in his paper fit
>     into the current framework.
> It is not clear if the design of the arrow library should be
> redone just because some particular examples do not fit in.
> After all, there are many examples of monads (Sets for
> example) which can not be made instance of the current monad
> class in Haskell.
> Regards,
> /Koen.

Exactly. The other reason is that I was dubious that one can do very much
WITH an arrow that doesn't have first. It's all very well to be able to
make various types into instances, but if the combinators aren't then
useful, then you've suffered extra complexity in the class structure for

This is a compromise, of course, and I could be persuaded that it would be
better to split the Arrow class -- but only if the new instances can then
be USED in a useful way.
