csmr2003@unisannio.it csmr2003@unisannio.it
Fri, 24 May 2002 20:42:18 +0200 (CEST)

Dear colleague:

    We would like to invite you to participate in the Seventh European
    Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, which will be
    held in Benevento, Italy, March 26-28,  2003, and to submit a paper.


    (Please apologize for multiple copies)

                           Seventh European Conference on
                       Software Maintenance and Reengineering
                                   Benevento, Italy
                                  March 26-28,  2003
                                    CALL FOR PAPERS

    CSMR is  the premier  European Conference on  Software Maintenance
    and Reengineering.  Its purpose is to promote  both discussion and
    interaction about evolution, maintenance and reengineering.

    Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to: 

    Evolution, maintenance and reengineering:
            + pattern languages
            + experience reports (successes and failures)
            + tools
            + enabling technologies
            + formal methods
            + system assessment
            + web-site
    Metrics and economics 
    Software evolution and architecture recovery 
    Migration and maintenance issues 
    Dealing with legacy systems towards new technologies 
    Wrapping and interfacing legacy systems 
    Data reengineering 
    Reverse engineering of embedded (control, mobile, ...) systems 
    Evaluation and assessment of reverse engineering tools 

    One  of the  basic intentions  of this  conference is  to  offer a
    European forum  for discussion  and exchange of  experiences among
    researchers  and practitioners.  Therefore, besides  academics, we
    kindly invite all those in companies developing maintenance tools,
    offering  reengineering services or  going through  legacy systems
    migration  experiences  to  contribute  by  submitting  papers  or
    presenting innovative tools, solutions or experience reports. This
    conference is  not limited to European  participants; authors from
    outside Europe are also welcomed.


    IEEE   Computer  Society   Press  will   publish  the   CSMR  2003
    Proceedings.  Two  types of  submissions  will  be accepted:  full
    length papers (not exceeding  10 proceeding pages, IEEE Style) and
    short papers  (not exceeding 4 proceeding pages,  IEEE Style). All
    papers  must  be  in  English.  Authors are  requested  to  submit
    electronically a  PostScript or PDF  version of their  papers. For
    submission details please look at the web site


    Deadline for submissions October 10, 2002
    Author's notification November 27, 2002 
    Deadline for camera-ready of accepted papers    December 20, 2002 


    Sessions  of  special  interest  proposed  by  delegates  will  be
    welcomed. Please send suggestions  to the program chair before the
    submissions closing date.


    Mark van den Brand, CWI,The Netherlands
    e-mail: Mark.van.den.Brand@cwi.nl

    Tibor Gyimóthy, University of Szeged, Hungary
    e-mail:  gyimi@cc.u-szeged.hu 

    Gerardo Canfora, Research Centre on Software Technology, Italy
    e-mail: canfora@unisannio.it