Efficient way to code "(symbol,multiplicity)-counting" - how?

Mark Phillips mark@austrics.com.au
Thu, 23 May 2002 16:44:25 +0930


I am new to Haskell and am having some difficulty with the following

Suppose I have a list of "symbols", except that each symbol is
paired with a "multiplicity".  Ie, we have a list of type [(a,Int)].

I want to use these symbols to "count".  Let me explain what I mean
by count with the following example.

Suppose we have symbol list [(x,1),(y,2),(z,1)].  This tells us that
* we have three symbols, namely x, y and z
* the symbols are ordered, namely x < y < z
* with any "counting figure" the symbol x may appear at most once, the
   symbol y at most twice and the symbol z at most once (a "counting
   figure" is just a list of symbols, these symbols forming the "digits")
* any "counting figure" will have between 0 and 1+2+1=4 "digits"
* the "counting figures" are ordered; the fewer the number of "digits"
   the "smaller" the figure; for figures with the same number of digits
   ordering is based on the symbol ordering, the left-most digit being
   "most significant", second-left being "second-most significant" and
   so on.

We "count" as follows:
[] [x] [y] [z] [x,y] [x,z] [y,x] [y,y] [y,z] [z,x] [z,y] [x,y,y] [x,y,z]
[x,z,y] [y,x,y] [y,x,z] [y,y,x] [y,y,z] [y,z,x] [y,z,y] [z,x,y] [z,y,x]
[z,y,y] [x,y,y,z] [x,y,z,y] [x,z,y,y] [y,x,y,z] [y,x,z,y] [y,y,x,z]
[y,y,z,x] [y,z,x,y] [y,z,y,x] [z,x,y,y] [z,y,x,y] [z,y,y,x]
and then start back at the beginning again (with []).

I want to define a function
next :: [(a,Int)] -> [a] -> [a]

which finds the next list in the the "counting sequence".  So
for example we should get

next [(x,1),(y,2),(z,1)] [] == [x]
next [(x,1),(y,2),(z,1)] [z,y] == [x,y,y]
next [(x,1),(y,2),(z,1)] [x,y,y,z] == [x,y,z,y]
next [(x,1),(y,2),(z,1)] [z,y,y,x] == []

My question is, what is the best way to code this in Haskell?  Can
it be done efficiently?

Also, is my representation of symbols and multiplicities the best
method?  Would I be better to represent them as two lists say,
and in reverse order say: ie [z,y,x] and [1,2,1].  Or is there
another better way to frame the whole problem?



Dr Mark H Phillips
Research Analyst (Mathematician)

AUSTRICS - Smarter Scheduling Solutions - www.austrics.com

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Email mark@austrics.com.au