State monads don't respect the monad laws in Haskell
David Feuer
Tue, 14 May 2002 07:41:02 -0400
On Tue, May 14, 2002, Simon Marlow wrote:
> An interesting revelation just occurred to Simon P.J. and myself while
> wondering about issues to do with exceptions in the IO monad (see
> discussion on if you're interested).
> The question we were considering was whether the following should hold
> in the IO monad:
> (return () >>= \_ -> undefined) `seq` 42 == undefined
> as we understand the IO monad it certainly shouldn't be the case. But
Why shouldn't this be the case? It seems kind of obvious.
> So the IO monad in Haskell, at least as we understand it, doesn't
> satisfy the monad laws (or, depending on your point of view, seq breaks
> the monad laws).
> This discrepancy applies to any state monad. Suppose we define
> return a = \s -> (s, a)
> m >>= k = \s -> case m s of (s', a) -> k a s'
> now
> return a >>= k
> => \s -> case (return a) s of (s', a') -> k a' s'
> => \s -> case (s, a) of (s', a') -> k a' s'
> => \s -> k a s
> but (\s -> k a s) /= (k a) in Haskell, because seq can
> tell the difference.
> What should the report say about this?
"Changes from Haskell 98: removed the seq primitive."
Well, maybe not. But it would be really nice to find an alternative
that didn't screw up so many different things. It seems that general
cleanliness is more important for understanding programs than being able
to use functions in all the same ways as datatypes (yes, I am aware that
there are loads of issues regarding this that I don't understand, but
the whole seq thing smells really funny. \a->\b->e should really equal
\a b->e, \x->f x should equal f, etc. etc. Sometimes it seems as though
every rule in Haskell has a list of exceptions relating to seq, and that
Night. An owl flies o'er rooftops. The moon sheds its soft light upon
the trees.
David Feuer