preprocessing printf/regex strings (like ocaml)

Brian Huffman
Mon, 13 May 2002 11:02:46 -0700

On Sunday 12 May 2002 03:50 am, Sebastien Carlier wrote:
> >>> the python string notation (str % tuple) would fit really well too...
> >>>     putStrLn "hello %s, you got %d right" % ("oliver", 5)
> >>
> >> Might be nice.
> >
> > What would be the type of putStrLn then?
> The type of putStrLn would remain unchanged.
> The idea would be to let the compiler translate the string
> 	"hello %s, you got %d right"
> into the function
> 	(\ (p1, p2) -> "hello " ++ p1 ++ ", you got " ++ show p2 ++ " right")
> so that the type system can do its work.  Then the % above is only an
> application.
> There is of course no need for the tuple;  a curried function would
> probably be more convenient.

Here is a printf-style function that I hacked up this morning; it uses type 
classes but it doesn't need functional dependencies:

module Printf where

main = putStrLn $ printf "%i * %c = %d %s."
                (2::Integer) 'c' (6.0e8::Double) "meters/sec"

class Printf a where
  printf :: String -> a
  printf' :: ShowS -> String -> a
  printf = printf' id

instance Printf String where
  printf' pre pattern = pre pattern

instance (Format a, Printf b) => Printf (a -> b) where
  printf' pre pattern x =
    let (text, pat') = break ('%'==) pattern
        (formatted, rest) = format x pat'
    in printf' (pre . showString text . showString formatted) rest


class Format a where
  format :: a -> String -> (String, String)

instance Format Char where
  format c pat = case pat of
    '%':'c':rest -> ([c],rest)
    _ -> error "printf: extra char argument"

instance Format String where
  format s pat = case pat of
    '%':'s':rest -> (s,rest)
    _ -> error "printf: extra string argument"

instance Format Integer where
  format i pat = case pat of
    '%':'i':rest -> (show i,rest)
    _ -> error "printf: extra integer argument"

instance Format Double where
  format d pat = case pat of
    '%':'d':rest -> (show d,rest)
    _ -> error "printf: extra double argument"