Summer School on Generic Programming
Johan Jeuring
Mon, 4 Feb 2002 13:26:05 +0100
Summer School and Workshop on Generic Programming
St Anne's College, Oxford, UK
26th to 30th August 2002
In conjunction with
Summer School and Workshop on Advanced Functional Programming
This school is a successor to the Summer School and Workshop on
Algebraic and Coalgebraic Methods in the Mathematics of Program
Construction, held in Oxford in April 2000 and with lecture notes
shortly to appear as LNCS 2297. For this school we have recruited
an excellent group of lecturers on generic programming, that is,
the construction of programs that work on different datatypes
and yet may exploit the structure of that data.
************ Lecturers ************
* Roland Backhouse (University of Nottingham):
A Generic Theory of Datatypes
* Peter Buneman (University of Edinburgh):
Semi-Structured Data
* Roy Crole (University of Leicester):
Categories and Types
* Jose Luiz Fiadeiro (University of Lisbon and ATX Software):
Theory and Practice of Software Architecture
* Ralf Hinze (University of Bonn) and
Johan Jeuring (University of Utrecht):
Generic Haskell
* Martin Odersky (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne):
Object-Oriented and Functional Approaches to Compositional
************ Deadlines ************
For registration with an early-bird discount:
17th May 2002
For late registration:
12th July 2002
************ Organizers ************
Roland Backhouse (University of Nottingham)
Jeremy Gibbons (University of Oxford)
************ Further information ************
PDF poster:
Post: SSGP, c/o Jane Ellory, Oxford University Computing
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, United Kingdom.
Fax: +44 1865 273839; mark "fao SSGP (Jane Ellory)"