SURVEY - Haskell editing (summary)

Claus Reinke
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 22:47:41 +0100

As promised, here comes the summary of our survey results.  Given the
low number of responses, it is more anecdotical evidence than
representative statistics, but thanks to the individual comments, it
will be helpful for our project, and some of you may find the summary
interesting.  As everyone was invited to contribute, we'll assume that
we've got the confessions of those Haskell hackers who care!-)

Thanks to everyone who contributed,

"Refactoring Functional Programs"

----------July 2002-----(summary)-------- SURVEY - Haskell editing

In total, we got 45 responses. Not every response addressed all
questions, and often there were several answers per response and
question. So there's no summing up of sensible percentages, but the
variety of answers (the questions only outlined possible answers, thus
inviting keyword-style, but otherwise free-form responses), and some
clear tendencies -amid the small selection of responses we got- are
interesting. The following summary roughly lists each answer together
with the number of times it was mentioned in different responses,
sometimes accompanied by typical comments.

Editor comments, based on summaries of the survey responses, follow in
separate sections after each question/answer block (the editor's
response is not included in the survey). [Proportional font won't be a
good idea for the following]

--------------------------------- 1. When developing Haskell programs,

----------------------------------- which OS-platforms do you work on?

Linux:          43      (2.2/2.4,redhat 6.1/7.1/7.2,
                         debian testing/unstable/woody, mandrake)

Solaris:        17
SunOS:          3

Windows98:      1
Windows2000:    3
Win32:          2
Cygwin:         2

FreeBSD:        5
MacOS X:        3
IRIX:           1

  Unix-style operating systems clearly dominate here, even more so since
  many of the non-unix entries stem from multi-OS developers, who use
  some variant of unix or windows as their main development platform,
  and several other OSs for production, to test portability /
  compatibility, or just because of their working environments.

  Given the small number of survey responses, one should keep in mind
  that this indicates a bias in the responses that may or may not
  reflect the overall situation of Haskell developers.

--- which Haskell implementations are you using (please indicate rough
--- version info: "whatever", "latest source release", "latest binary
--- release", "latest CVS", "latest stable version", ..)?

GHC:    40      (own experimental branch, latest stable, latest rpm,
                 5.02.2,5.02.3,5.04 binary, latest binary, latest CVS
                 (occasionally), latest, latest source release, latest
                 from debian unstable)
Hugs98: 33      (dec 2001, nov 2001, feb 2001, may 1999, latest binary,
                 latest stable, latest, latest source release, latest
                 CVS, latest from debian testing/stable, whatever)
nhc98:  12      (1.14, latest binary, latest stable, latest CVS,
                 latest source release)
hbc:    1       (0.99995b, 1999 apr 02)

  The distribution itself is not unexpected. A small number of
  programmers use only a single implementation (GHC or Hugs).  The
  majority seems to combine two or even all three of the currently
  maintained implementations, mostly for specific advantages of Hugs or
  nhc. Although GHC seems to be catching up with its latest releases,
  trying to be the one tool for all purposes, advantages mentioned
  include: quick prototyping and scripting use via runhugs (Hugs),
  profiling, tracing, debugging (nhc). Depending on the quality and
  completeness of improvements in these areas in forthcoming GHC
  versions, a few programmers indicate that they might reduce their
  use of other implementations.

  Another advantage mentioned in favour of multiple implementations is
  security from redundancy and variety: getting alternative "opinions"
  and diagnostics on obscure errors and avoiding inadvertent use of
  non-portable features. However, the differences in supported features
  are also mentioned as a disadvantage, making it difficult or
  impossible to take advantage of other implementations and their

  Use of latest stable source/binary releases dominates over the use
  of latest experimental/CVS versions.

------ to what extent do you use (which?) features outside Haskell 98?

None:                           8 (plus several who only use FFI, or
                                   what external libraries require)

Multiparameter type classes:    20
Existential types:              15
FFI:                            10
Functional dependencies:        9
rank-n polymorphism:            7 (sometimes, just n=2)

Hierarchical module system:     4
HsLibs:                         2
Hierarchical libraries:         2

Overlapping instances:          5
Class/instance-restrictions:    4

GHC state threads:              3
Implicit parameters:            3
Undecidable instances:          3
Pattern guards:                 2
Unboxed types:                  2
Exceptions:                     2
Concurrency:                    3
Dynamic types:                  1
Monad comprehensions:           1
TREX:                           1
-fglasgow-exts:                 1
unsafePerformIO:                1

  A substantial part of respondents would favour programming within the
  limitations of Haskell 98, if only for being able to use all of the
  available implementations and the complementary tools they offer. The
  main exceptions are multiparameter type classes, explicit existential
  and universal quantification, functional dependencies, and the new
  foreign function interface (the latter now being an official addendum
  to the standard).

  Another frequent comment concerns the need to use libraries beyond the
  standard (hugs/ghc-libs, hslibs, now the hierarchical libraries), and
  thus whatever advanced features those might depend on, emphasizing the
  urgency of convergence of Haskell implementations in this matter.

  Other features are used (or mentioned?) less frequently, although
  this might be a matter of unnoticed use of non-standard features
  (e.g., the low number of responses mentioning lifted
  class/instance-restrictions seems to be at odds with the high numbers
  mentioning multiparameter classes and functional dependencies).

  One answer suggested that removing advanced features after prototyping
  would lead to production code that is easier to understand and hence
  easier to maintain and debug later.

------- what editors, IDEs or source-manipulation tools are you using?

-------------------------------------------------------------- editors

Emacs           21
XEmacs          11
Vim/GVim        8
Vi              3
NEdit           4
BBEdit          1

-------------------------------------------------- tag-file generators

None            39      (didn't know about it, will check, xemacs menu)
HaskTags        3
fptags          1
custom          2       (etags)

--------------------------------------------- documentation generators

None            30      (will use, can't use [CVS ident conflicts,
                         browser dependency])
Haddock         7
hdoc            1
IDoc            1

literate prg    3       (haskell.sty, lhs2TeX)
LambdaTeX       1

a2ps            1
custom          5

------------------------------------ pre-processors/program generators

None            28      (try to avoid)
cpp             12      (debugging, porting)

DrIFT           6
strafunski      1
PolyP           1

GreenCard       2
c2hs            2
hsc2hs          1

happy           1
utrecht AG      1       (attribute grammar system)
HaXml           1
hat-trans       1

m4              1
custom          3

----------------------------------------------------- revision control

None            4

CVS             30      (better alternatives sought..)

manual          9
RCS             4
PRCS            2
Subversion      2
VCS             1

------------------------------------------------ dependency generation

custom          1       (to avoid too frequent recompilations by
                         standard Haskell make tools)

  The editors in use are not nearly as varied as expected (which
  might be another indication of a bias in the sample of responses).
  The indication of the top ranks (emacs variants, followed by vi
  variants) is not unlikely, however.

  The single most frequent comment regarding tag-file generators
  is roughly "now that I know about this, I'll check it out".

  The single most frequent comment regarding documentation generators is
  roughly "don't use them yet, will do in future", with a clear tendency
  (of planned and existing use) towards Haddock (one response mentioned
  problems with CVS identifiers and browser dependencies currently
  preventing use of this tool though). There seems to be a variety of
  custom-made solutions as well.

  The single most frequent comment regarding preprocessors is
  "I try to avoid them", and almost two third of the respondents
  seem to manage to do so. Unfortunately, the single most frequently
  used preprocessor is also the least favoured: cpp. The main reasons
  given are conditional compilation for debugging and porting - perhaps
  it is time to standardize Haskell-specific variants of these features?

  cpp is followed in frequency by tools supporting generic programming,
  an ongoing focus of research, and tools supporting the use of
  Haskell's FFI. Again, there are several custom-made tools in use,
  one respondent mentions an inhouse Haskell preprocessor hpp.

  As far as revision control is concerned, CVS is clearly the most
  used variant, but it is not necessarily the most loved one. Several
  answers commented on an ongoing search for better alternatives.

--------------- 2. To what extent are your editors/IDEs Haskell-aware?

------------------- what Haskell-specific functionality do they offer?

none/haven't tried/don't use it         9

syntax highlighting                     34  (sometimes confused; lacks
                                             support for language
                                             extensions; some features
                                             could be different;
                                             also used for printouts)
pretty-printing                         18  (or simple auto-indenting;
                                             problems with different
                                             layout styles?; often
tag-files                               12
haskell mode                            11  (could be significantly
                                             improved, sometimes wrong
                                             when it tries to be smart)
syntax-aware movements                  9

display (declared) function types       5   (should not be limited to
                                             declared types, nor to
                                             fixed set only)
inserting inferred types                1   (custom solution)

GHCi integration                        3
GHCi/Hugs session in separate window    3

scan declarations and put them in menu  1
editor integration in Hugs :find/:edit  1   (find definition, edit
                                             next error)
keyboard shortcuts/mappings             1

  It is slightly surprising that a substantial number of Haskellers
  don't use Haskell-specific functionality in their editors, especially
  since almost all editors mentioned offer support for language-specific
  customization. One reason might be that editor customization is an art
  in itself (both the emacs and vim manuals are already quite daunting
  in size and tend to grow faster than most users learn new features,
  and this is "only" the editor), but it takes only a few hackers to do
  the customization for each editor, so there have to be other factors.

  Specific factors mentioned include "haven't looked yet", "don't know
  what else it can do", "I use this or that haskell-mode, which probably
  does a lot of the things you mention, but I haven't used those yet"
  and also "I tried this or that haskell-mode, but wasn't happy with it,
  so I don't use [it | most of it's features]". There are definite gaps
  between features available, features known, and features used or
  wanted. Apart from releasing private customizations (emacs users are
  ahead in this), more documentation (how to find out about
  Haskell-specific editing functionality if you don't have the editor or
  Haskell-mode installed yet?) and communication (what is it you'd like
  to be able to? what do you think is wrong with the current
  Haskell-modes?) seem to be called for.

  The widely used syntax highlighting (note though that not everyone
  uses even this feature) shows that Haskellers are willing to use
  customised features, if they are easily available and easy to use,
  even though there are some problems even with this feature (mostly
  because it is typically not based on proper parsing).

  Many features are rather more basic than most users would like.
  Pretty-printing (semi-automatic layout) and language-sensitive
  movement/selection are the most often mentioned features, with
  semi-automatic layout seeming especially problematic.

  Not all that many Haskellers seem to count the typical "bug-spotting"
  integration (try to compile, then jump to first error position) as
  important, only one response mentioned the editor integration in Hugs.

--------------- what non-Haskell-specific editing functionality do you
--------------- find most helpful when developing Haskell programs?

none/don't know                      3

matching of parentheses              28

macro recording and playback         12 (small, repetitive tasks
                                         that don't warrant a script;
                                         adding fun args, creating
                                         large aggregate data
                                         structures; reformatting
                                         code; add/remove {- -};
                                         consistently rename
                                         families of functions,
                                         or change constructor
integration with external tools      10 (ghci, hugs, make&jump to
                                         error, shell, directory
                                         editor, spell checkers,
                                         email, text filters,
                                         RCS, CVS)
search&replace with reg.exprs        7

autocomplete                         4

tags/jump to definition              2
editor scripting                     2
insert/cut/paste rectangle           2
grep                                 1
justification of comments and text   1
line/column numbering and finding    1
abbreviations                        1
filetype dependent key bindings      1
diff mode                            1
syntax highlighting of LaTeX in .lhs 1

  The small number of "don't know" entries in this section is slightly
  misleading as a large number of Haskellers seem to use little more
  than matching of parentheses, and a few find even this less useful
  than in C or Java (thanks to layout, and less noisy syntax), or don't
  think their editor supports this feature (IIRC, all editors mentioned
  here do).

  The emphasis on using external text-processing tools from within the
  editor is probably typical for the unix bias in the survey responses,
  but beyond macro recording&playback and search&replace, only limited
  use seems to be made of more advanced editor-internal features (which
  are, after all, what distinguishes the "programmer's editors" from
  your basic notepad, and are often supported across platforms). Again,
  that might be a consequence of the unix tool chain, but not all
  editing functions are conveniently replaced by delegating them to
  external tools (sed notwithstanding;-).

---- what Haskell-specific editing functionality do you you miss most?

don't miss it (because I never had it
  in a form I'd want to use)            6

display type of function at cursor/
  query type of things                  7 (also show comments and :info)
integration with Haddock, Haskell98/Lib
  report and info           2 (extended :info)
finding types in modules that don't
  type-check completely                 2
incremental syntax/type checking        3
integration with TypeView               1

better auto-indenting                   10 (without explicit braces/
                                            semicolons; maintain layout
                                            against changes of
                                            identifier lengths, both
                                            interactively and during
                                            search&replace; configurable
                                            to personal style; re-align
                                            at "=")
switch between braces/semicolon-style
  and layout-style for marked block     2 (to maintain layout during
                                           complex edits: switch to
                                           explicit braces style, edit,
                                           switch back to layout style)
editor support for layout rule          1 (colouring hints for potential
                                           layout problems?)
better syntax highlighting              1

find callers to function/occurrences
  of identifiers/show call graphs       3 (custom scripts; avoid costs
                                           of compilation?)
class browser                           1
module browser/function finder          2

rename identifier and all uses, handling
  syntax, scopes, and kinds correctly   4 (likely to mess up formatting,
                                           and automatic indentation may
                                           not be what you want; should
                                           work for all kinds of

proper (haskell-based, not lisp-based)
  syntax-sensitive movement/selection   2
scope-aware tags function               1 (find the def that will be
                                           used, not just any global one)
change order of parameters at definition
  and all call sites                    1
change type of constructor and all uses 1
extend data type and all uses           1
moving definitions between local and
  global scopes                         1
splitting/joining modules               1
extract function and replace repeated
  bodies by calls to new function       1 (also for type synonyms)
support for refactoring (either do it,
  or prove it correct)                  1

autocomplete                            1

"locate bug" feature                    1 (really!-)
debugger integration, breakpoints, ..   1
integration with profiling tools        1
"Proof General"-style interface         1 (
toolbar/sidebar for Haskell             1

writing editor modules in haskell       1
KDevelop Haskell mode                   1 (

don't always treat identifiers as
  single words for editing operations   2
jump to definition/documentation        1
function folding                        1

  Again, there's a small number of "happy as it is?" users.
  Interestingly, most of these comment that they've tried the existing
  features and haven't found them convincing in their current form. And
  indeed, many wishes are about better versions of current features.

  Item number one on the wish list is easy access to more information
  about the items currently edited. For completeness, it should be
  mentioned here that (some of) the emacs Haskell-modes already support
  (limited) versions of this, which not all respondents seem to be aware
  of. However, most answers pointed out limitations in the existing
  systems (should work for functions without declarations, and not be
  limited to fixed set of functions; should work incrementally and in
  only partially type-correct modules), or opportunities for
  improvements (offer to show :info and comments as well; integration
  with documentation tools and with standards documents).

  Next on the list comes more useable support for semi-automatic layout.

  Finding uses of identifiers (as opposed to finding definitions) would
  be a popular feature, and extends to call graphs and class/instance-
  and module-hierarchy browsers.

  Renaming of identifiers (of all kinds) and their uses, properly
  respecting Haskell syntax and scoping, and without inadvertently
  messing up layout, is beyond simple search&replace, and the first
  refactoring on the list of suggestions. It is followed by a list of
  other typical refactoring-style editing operations proper support for
  which would require syntax-aware tools.

  Integration with other Haskell-specific tools, profilers, tracers and
  debuggers specifically, would be more interesting now that such tools
  actually exist.

  One response pointed out that between general text editing and
  Haskell-specific functionality there is a range of
  language-independent operations that could be supported by integration
  with AST-based tools, referring to

---------------- what interface options does your editor/IDE offer for
---------------- integration of external tools (brief explanations or
---------------- pointers to detailed documentations would be great)?

  This question was a last-minute addition to the survey, and while
  it caused a lot of confusion, it didn't actually produce any useable
  answers (beyond the answers to previous questions). The idea was not
  so much that I expected everyone to work on extending his/her
  favourite editor for day-to-day editing tasks. Rather, I was hoping
  for some pointers to information about how tools like our envisioned
  refactorers could be intergrated into your favourite editors. Given
  the surprisingly small spread in editors used, the lack of answers
  here isn't much of a problem - just making sure that our tools can be
  integrated into emacs and vim should be a good enough start.