ANNOUNCE: Haskell mode for Vim (release 0.1)
Claus Reinke
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 23:06:34 +0100
Dear Haskellers,
one result of our recent survey on Haskell editing habits was that
local/inhouse/custom hacks should be shared more widely. In this
sense, I've made my own Vim customizations for Haskell available as
a kind of Haskell mode for Vim, with some minimal documentation.
It consists of two files (plugin script and helpfile), to be used in
addition to Vim's standard Haskell syntax files (see helpfile and
webpage for more info).
The Vim Haskell mode was mostly written before the survey
results came in and so doesn't include many of the interesting
suggestions made there. It does, however, borrow one or two
ideas from the Emacs Haskell mode, and if there's enough interest,
I'll keep updating the Vim version;-)
[The web page includes both a hugs.vim and a ghci.vim, but the
latter isn't fully functional yet, so I recommend to use the former
until the next release]
Note that, while one purpose of writing it was to get to know Vim's
facilities for scripting and integrating external tools (such as refactorers),
this is more of a hack than a proper syntax-aware editing tool. For
the latter, you'll have to wait until our refactoring project puts out
first prototypes. That will take a while, though, and in the meantime,
the Haskell modes for Vim/Emacs/?? can be stretched a little bit
further before it gets ridiculous (don't want to write a Haskell frontend
in Vim Script!-).
Happy Haskell Vimming (and let me know what you think about it;-)!