read int lists
Claus Reinke
Tue, 30 Apr 2002 23:24:16 +0100
> Import two space separated columns of integers from file.
> -----------
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> -----------
> , and it should convert to ([1,2],[3,4]) :: ([Integer], [Integer])
-- working on lines makes life easier
mapFst f (x,y) = (map f x,y)
getListLines ls = span (/="") $ dropWhile (=="") ls
lineToInteger l = read l::Integer
readIntegers = (mapFst lineToInteger).getListLines
-- testing, 1..3
main = do
cts <- readFile "data"
let (first,rest) = readIntegers $ lines cts
(second,_) = readIntegers $ rest
print (first,second)
Error checking (recommended!) and generalisation to more than
two columns left as an exercise..
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