ANNOUNCE: HOpenGL 1.02 released
Sven Panne
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 22:30:52 +0200
HOpenGL, a Haskell binding for OpenGL and GLUT
version 1.02
I am pleased to announce the thirteenth release of the Haskell binding
for GL 1.2.1 / GLU 1.3 / GLUT 3.7beta. It offers easy access to *the*
industrial strength 3D graphics API and a GUI toolkit. More details
about HOpenGL can be found at
This is a mainly a compatibility release for >= GHC-5.x, including some
minor extensions. What's new:
* Added support for 3D textures: texImage3D, texSubImage3D,
* Added a "make install" target to add a HOpenGL package to
GHC. This makes using HOpenGL much easier: A simple
ghc -package HOpenGL --make MyCoolApp.hs
is enough for most applications.
* GLUT exports its own versions of System.exit{With,Failure} now to
avoid GHC's problems of those functions if they were issued
during callbacks.
* Fixed quite a few library incompatibilities for GHC >= 5.02.
* Fixed some minor GLU incompatibilities.
* Fixed GLUT game mode exports, so you could actually use it now! :-}
* Changed configure to detect the native (i.e. non-Mesa) OpenGL as
the default. This is more conforming with the OpenGL ABI spec.
* Re-animated --with-hc and --with-green-card configure flags.
HOpenGL-1.02 has been tested on the following platforms:
* ix86, SuSE Linux 7.3, Mesa 3.4.2, bleeding edge GHC from CVS
* ix86, Windows 2000, Cygwin (DLL 1.3.10), NVIDIA DetonatorXP
* drivers 28.32, GHC 5.02.3 and 5.03-20020204
* SPARC, Solaris 2.7, Mesa 4.0.2, GHC 5.02.3
It should work on any platform with a recent GHC, too. As always,
feedback and/or patches are highly welcome.
Have fun!