Michel Barbeau
Sat, 13 Apr 2002 16:25:04 -0400
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Michel Barbeau
School of Computer Science, Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6
Phone: (613) 520-2600 x 1644 Fax: (613) 520-4334
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2nd IFIP International Conference on
(TCS 2002)
Montreal, August 25-30, 2002
co-sponsored by EATCS and ACM SIGACT
TRACK A - Algorithms, Complexity, Models of Computations
Jochen Alber, Jiri Fiala
Geometric Separation and Exact Solutions for the Parameterized
Independent Set Problem on Disk Graphs
Nikhil Bansal, Zhen Liu, Arvind Sankar
Bin-Packing with Fragile Objects
S. Bespamyatnikh, B. Bhattacharya, D. Kirkpatrick, M. Segal
Lower and upper bounds for tracking mobile servers
Alina Beygelzimer, Mitsunori Ogihara
On the enumerability of the determinant and the rank
Beate Bollig, Stephan Waack, Philipp Woelfel
Parity Graph-driven Read-Once Branching Programs and an
Exponential Lower Bound for Integer Multiplication
Vasco Brattka, Martin Ziegler
Computability of Linear Equations
G. Calinescu. I.I. Mandoiu, A. Zelikovsky
Symmetric connectivity with minimum power consumption in radio networks
Olivier Carton, VÈronique BruyËre
Hierarchy among Automata on Linear Orderings
Z. Chen
A Modified Recursive Triangular Factorization for Cauchy-like Systems of Linear Equations
M. Cieliebak, T. Erlebach, Z. Liptak, J. Stoye, E. Welzl
Algorithmic complexity of protein identification: searching in weighted strings
Alessandro Dal Palu`, Enrico Pontelli, Desh Ranjan
An Efficient Parallel Pointer Machine Algorithm for Nearest-Common Ancestor Problem
M. Duflot, L. Fribourg, C. Picaronny
Randomized dining philosophers without fairness assumption
Alon Efrat, Sariel Ar-Peled
Locating guards in Art Galleries
Leszek Gasieniec, Igor Potapov
Gossiping with Single Messages in Radio Networks
Nicolas Hanusse, Dimitris Kavvadias, Evangelos Kranakis, Danny Krizanc
Memoryless Search Algorithms in a Network with Faulty Advice
Lane A. Hemaspaandra, Mayur Thakur
Rice-Style Theorems in Complexity Theory
Matthew Hertz, Neil Immerman, J. Eliot, B. Moss
Framework for Analyzing Garbage Collection
Christopher M. Homan, Mayur Thakur
One-Way Permutations and Self-Witnessing Languages
Klaus Jansen, Hu Zhang
Approximation Algorithms for General Packing Problems with Modified
Logarithmic Potential Function
Gregory Lafitte
On randomness and infinity
A. Pagourtzis, P. Penna, K. Schlude, K. Steinhofel, D.S. Taylor, P. Widmayer
Server placements, roman domination and other dominating set variants
B. S. Panda, Sajal K. Das
A Linear Time Algorithm for Finding Tree 3-Spanner on 2-Trees
Joerg Rothe, Holger Spakowski, Joerg Vogel
Exact Complexity of Exact-Four-Colorability and of the Winner Problem for Young Elections
Paolo Santi, Douglas M. Blough, Mauro Leoncini, Giovanni Resta
On the Symmetric Range Assignment Problem in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Tomoyuki Yamakami
Quantum NP and Quantum Operator
Marius Zimand
Probabilistically checkable proofs the easy way
TRACK B - Logic, Semantics, Specification and Verification
Patrick Baillot
Checking Polynomial Time Complexity with Types
Chiara Braghin, Agostino Cortesi, Riccardo Focardi, Steffen van Bakel
Boundary Inference for Enforcing Security Policies in Mobile Ambients
Hana Chockler, Orna Kupferman
Coverage of Implementations by Simulating Specifications
Giovanni Conforti, Orlando Ferrara, Giorgio Ghelli
TQL Algebra and its Implementation
Dino Distefano, Arend Rensink, Joost-Pieter Katoen
Model Checking Birth and Death
Matthew Fluet, Riccardo Pucella
Phantom Types and Subtyping
Rachid Guerraoui, Petr Kouznetsov
On the Weakest Failure Detector for Non-Blocking Atomic Commit
Martin Hyland, Gordon Plotkin, John Power
Combining Computational Effects: commutativity & sum
Salvatore La Torre, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Aniello Murano
Optimal-Reachability and Control for Acyclic Weighted Timed Automata
Daniel Leivant
Substructural Verification and Computational Feasibility
Stephane Lengrand, Dan Dougherty, Pierre Lescanne
An Improved System of Intersection Types for Explicit Substitutions
Aline Brum Loreto, Laira Vieira Toscani, Leila Ribeiro
Decidability and Tractability of a Problem in Object-Based Graph Grammars
Fabio Martinelli
About Compositional Analysis of Pi-Calculus Processes
Catuscia Palamidessi, Oltea Milhaela Herescu
A Randomized Encoding of the Pi-Calculus with Mixed Choice
I.C.C. Phillips, M.G. Vigliotti
On Reduction Semantics for the Push and Pull Ambient Calculus
Alan Schmitt
Safe Dynamic Binding in the Join Calculus
Olivier Serre
Vectorial Languages and Linear Temporal Logic
Scott D. Stoller
A Bound on Attacks on Authentication Protocols
Xiaogang Zhang, John Potter
Responsive Bisimulation