FMCO: New Symposium on Objects and Components
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 17:31:11 +0200

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**************************CALL FOR PARTICIPATIONT******************************

                  First International Symposium on 


                            (FMCO 2002)


DATES November 5-8, 2002

PLACE Leiden, The Netherlands



Manfred Broy (Technical University of Munchen)
Werner Damm (University of Oldenburg)
David Harel (The Weizmann Institute of Science)
Bertrand Meyer (ETH Zurich and ISE)
Perdita Stevens (Edinburgh University)
Clemens Szyperski (Microsoft Research)
Jos Warmer (Klasse Objecten)

Technical presentations

Erika Abraham-Mumm (CAU)
Farhad Arbab (CWI)
David Garlan (Carnegie Mellon University)
Leslie Lamport (Microsoft Research)
John Hatcliff (Kansas State University)
Jozef Hooman (University of Nijmegen)
Paul Klint (CWI)
Bart Jacobs (University of Nijmegen)
Gary Leavens (Iowa State University)
Rustan Leino (Microsoft Research)
Ugo Montanari (Pisa University)
Oscar Nierstrasz (University of Berne)
Amir Pnueli (The Weizmann Institute of Science)
Bernhard Rumpe (Technical University of Munchen)
Ernst-Ruediger Olderog (University of Oldenburg)
Emil Sekerinski (McMaster University)
Kaisa Sere (Turku University)
Joseph Sifakis (Verimag)
Martin Wirsing (Technical University of Munchen)


Large and complex software systems provide the necessary infrastucture
in all industries today.  In order to construct  such large systems in
a  systematic manner, the focus in   the development methodologies has
switched in the last two decades from  functional issues to structural
issues:  both data and  functions are encapsulated into software units
which are integrated into large systems by means of various techniques
supporting   reusability  and  modifiability.   This     encapsulation
principle is essential to both the object-oriented and the more recent
component-based sofware engineering paradigms.

Formal methods have been  applied successfully to the  verification of
medium-sized programs in protocol and hardware design.  However, their
application to the development of large systems requires more emphasis
on  specification, modeling  and validation  techniques supporting the
concepts of reusability and modifiability, and their implementation in
new extensions of existing programming languages like Java.

The objective  of this symposium  is to bring together researchers and
practioners in the areas of software engineering and formal methods to
discuss  the  concepts     of  reusability   and   modifiability    in
component-based and object-oriented software systems.

The following issues related
to  modifiability and reusability in components   and objects
will be discussed by leading experts in the fields of Formal Methods
and Software Engineering:

 - Specification
 - Verification
 - Validation
 - Modeling techniques
 - Architectures
 - Programming languages
 - Semantics
 - Type theory
 - Design methodology
 - Compositionality
 - Refinement
 - Theorem-proving
 - Model checking
 - Tools


The Symposium  is   a four days  event in  the style  of the former  REX
workshops,   organized  to    provide  an   atmosphere   that  fosters
collaborative work, discussions and interation.  Lectures are given by
the invited speakers listed above.   Participation is limited to about 80
people.  The program consists  of invited tutorials and more technical
presentations, and contains an exquisite social event.

Both tutorial and technical contributions will  be published after the
workshop in   a proceedings of Lecture Notes    in Computer Science by


F.S. de Boer (CWI)
M.M. Bonsangue (LIACS-Leiden University)
S. Graf (Verimag)
W.-P. de Roever (CAU)


For more information about participation and registration see the FMCO

For further information consult F.S. de Boer ( or M.M. Bonsangu