Unicode support

Hamilton Richards hrichrds@swbell.net
Sat, 29 Sep 2001 12:51:35 -0500

At 12:20 PM -0500 9/29/01, Colin Paul Adams wrote:
>I have just been reading through the Haskell report to refresh my
>memory of the language. I was surprised to see this:
>The character type Char is an enumeration and consists of 16 bit values,
>conforming to
>the Unicode standard [10].
>Unicode uses 24-bit values to identify characters.

According to the official Unicode web site [0],

	The Unicode Standard defines three encoding forms
	that allow the same data to be transmitted in a byte,
	word or double word oriented format (i.e. in 8, 16 or
	32-bits per code unit).

[0] http://www.unicode.org/unicode/standard/principles.html

Hamilton Richards, PhD           Department of Computer Sciences
Senior Lecturer                  Mail Code C0500
512-471-9525                     The University of Texas at Austin
Taylor Hall 5.138                Austin, Texas 78712-1188
ham@cs.utexas.edu                hrichrds@swbell.net