a cygwin binary package of ghc-5.00.x

Mike Thomas miketh@brisbane.paradigmgeo.com
Fri, 25 May 2001 12:36:19 +1000


> > Do anybody have one? I failed to recompile it with ghc 4.08.x.
> >
> > Thank you in advance
> >
> > Alexander

I have one, which uses the Mingw standalone GCC compiler for Windows.  It
seems to be capable of compiling itself.


1. It is not in an installer - you would have to hand patch the package file
and install by hand.

2. It is not supported by anyone and is non-standard in the way it uses

3. The Win32 demo program hangs on exit under Win98 (works OK on NT4

4. I haven't bootstrapped GHCi, yet (maybe by next week).

5. It is only GHC 5.00, not 5.00.1. (maybe next week).

6. You would have to install Mingw32 (and maybe Cygwin for it's shell)

7. It is very big, mainly because of the profiled libraries.

8. I don't have an FTP site to put it.

9.  It doesn't do dynamic libraries, only static.


Unless you're desperate, I suggest waiting for the official release.


Mike Thomas.